
时间:2023-07-15 05:14:14 作者:会员上传
  (3)party b shall put the 《import commodity quotation sheet》on records at the notary office by fax which presented to party a and get receipt of notarization and records. party b shall present the《import commodity quotation sheet》in the import quotation column on www._________. party b shall present the colored photo of commodity via internet to party a and must indicate supplier code and commodity code together with the photo.
  (4)party b shall visit party a 's wed site(http://www._________) in time and find out the transaction guide, filling explanation of quotation and business announcement, etc. party b shall assist party a to sell its products. all information issued in party a 's wed site by party b shall not be against chinese relevant laws and regulations.
  (5)party b shall publicize the commodities which being sold through party a on its own web site if he has and commodity code must be indicated when publicizes.
  (6)if the commodities sold in china of party b need sales license which is applied to chinese related departments, party b may consign party a to deal with it. party b shall offer documents and samples needed and bear relevant expenses.
  (三)party b may amend commodity information. party b presents party a the amendment application only after notarizing and recording all contents of amendment at the notary office. party a only accepts the entire contents of 《import commodity quotation sheet》and amendment which have been recorded at the notary office by fax. party b shall also present the same contents to www._________ via. internet. any amendment from party a about the contents presented by party b is forbidden when party a uses or publicizes the above mentioned contents(viz. party a only uses the newly contents party b presents and have be notarized and recorded at the notary office).
  (四)party a agrees party b to link party b's web site with www._________.
  (1)party a shall sell party b's commodities according to the details in the 《import commodity quotation sheet》 provided by party b in china. party a shall present the《ncen import purchase sheet》(the enclosure 2,for short 《purchase sheet》)to party b by fax as the proof of order according to the sales information of《import commodity quotation sheet》.
  (2)party a shall fax the《purchase sheet》to party b after putting it on records at the notary office. party b must confirm the receipt of the《purchase sheet》by fax within 24 hours. shall party b not confirm the receipt of the《purchase sheet》by fax within 48 hours, party b breaks the contract. party a will issue 《default advice》(the enclosure 3)to party b and deal with it according to the clause x of this agreement.



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