
时间:2023-05-26 20:04:22 作者:会员上传



  Dear my mother,

  The second Sunday in May is Mother's Day.Anna Jarvis talked about in the Chapel of the heroes who died in the battle of the story, she said to pray: "I hope that somewhere, sometime, someone will create a Mother's Day, to commemorate and pay tribute to the mother of the United States and around the world." Mother's Day This is to.

  Mother too much for us to do too much, we should thank her: she has given us life, and to raise us. Here I am the mother to the whole world to say: "Thank you, you have worked hard!"

  Your son


  My dearest Mother,

  The mother‘s day is coming and I would like to say "Happy mother‘s day" in this letter. I love you and thank you so much for everything you did for me. This day, I will stay away and can‘t give you my appreciation at home. I know I will watch myself, so don‘t worry about me. I am doing very well on my study. My schoolmates and teachers are all very nice. Though I can‘t be at home, I hope you have a wonderful mother‘s day.


  Your son


  Dear mom,

  This is the first time i write a letter to you in English,so i think i should say thanks to you frist.

  That you give life to me,that you bring me to the world.Sometimes i may make you angry,because i don`t adjust my fault.But i am sure i won`t do that things again,i think i have grown up,i must be able to tell the things true or fault.My dear mother ,you are the greatest person in the world,you are the most important person in my life.the love you give me is the greatst one in the world.

  My dear mother,i have to stop here,because my vocabulary is very limited ,i will write more letters in the future ,at that time i can write a much longer one to you.

  Thank you again ,my dear mother!

  Yours son



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