
时间:2023-05-23 20:51:56 作者:会员上传



  Personal Information

  Name:范文大全 Gender: Male Age:38

  Education:Master in Engineering

  Mobile: 13xxxxxxxxxx


  Mail Address: Room 402, No. 32, Lane 1133, Zhang Yang Road,

  Pudong, Shanghai, PRC, 200120

  Work Experience

  Jan 2005--Oct 2006. Zell Consulting Co. Ltd, Immigrated and lived in New Zealand. Responsible for trade fairs between New Zealand and PRC.

  Aug 2003--Jan.2005. US based BEPEX (formerly US Branch of Hosokawa Group). My responsibilities continued coverage in Hosokawa Shanghai Rep Office with Sales consultancy and project management jobs on PRC.

  - Be in charge of sales and marketing jobs for Bepex’s SSP technology (including equipment and engineering services). With sales size ranging from USD1.2 million to USD5 million, my clients mainly include Liaoyang Petrochemical Company of CNPC, Wuxi Taiji, Zhangjiagang Junma, Huzhou Unifull and Shanghai Wenlong.

  - As project manager, I have been actively involved in the whole project execution process, including the initial technical presentation, technical and commercial contract signing, basic/detail engineering design, installation and process start up, coordination with US engineering department and PRC clients and local engineering company.

  Sept 1997--Aug 2003. Hosokawa Shanghai Representative Office, Representative and Area sales manager

  - As the founder of the rep office, I was mainly responsible for daily management and operation of the office.

  - In terms of sales, I have been taking care of domestic marketing for Japan, Europe and US based subsidiaries, including, but not limited to,

  German based ALPINE, for grinding, classifying and engineering facilities, whose customers scattered over the sectors of pharmaceutical, chemical and mining

  US based Hosokawa BEPEX, a subsidiary engaged in SSP technology while its products are used for soft drink bottling and Industrial fiber. That business belongs to petrochemical, polymer and chemical fiber fields.

  Jan 1996--Aug 1997, Sales Representative in Automation department with Barco (A Belgium based company) Shanghai Representative Office. My responsibilities included sales and marketing of the computerized monitoring system on textile and pharmaceutical sectors, and cleaner, sensor and electric controller used on textile equipments.

  Sept 1990-- Aug 1993. No. 2 Textile Mill of Zibo City,Shandong Province. As the workshop technician, I was mainly responsible for daily operation, facility maintenance works. During that period of time, I have been substantially involved in installation and adjustment of a brand new production line.









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