
时间:2023-05-23 15:13:53 作者:会员上传



  1, 96% lack of pertinence


  A standard template made to resume is applicable to a variety of industries, multiple position to apply for a job. Smart HR slightly on the aim at a glance can understand, he has "a resume for all over the world position" of the "ambition". No specific aim, you may not be the FaYan nature into the HR.


  2, 89% career path chaos


  Work for a year in two or three companies, five years into a day different industry, professional experience no consistency, frequent job-hopping, career blank period be clear at a glance all show in HR fundus. Career so disorderly, which enterprise dare to use you!


  3, 85% telephone communication utterly ignorant


  Perhaps is a network a resume is too easy, threw resume to connect oneself apply for what all don't know. HR to electric, a bit out of form, to oneself thrown a position never impression, let alone to the enterprise basic information understanding. Utterly ignorant, ask how can enterprise phase you?


  4, 82% information expression does not reach the designated position


  Describe work experience, only lists job content, pay attention to express what I had done, very few somebody can from past work experience reflects his value. Some in the working content a column, even only day words. This is a job for 2 years of salesman, said he first "instrumentation sales", afterwards is "sell one, second-hand house", a recent is "real estate consultant". Is unfailingly! Done is one thing, doing what is another thing. To sales people need not digital talk, how to understand your ability, enterprise with what choose you?


  5, 78% delivery position and experience does not match


  The somebody else recruit network engineers, are you a main experience for graphic designers also to join in the fun, the results nature is direct shot. Perhaps there is no lack of to through the job-hopping to realize the transformation, but in your resume, unable to articulate. If career goal not sure, will lead to low efficiency of to apply for a job, and at the same time, also can make life state become low quality. Enterprise want to find can create value talent, not find for its slowly learning to adapt to intern. No relevant work qualification can not reach the requirement of you, enterprise how to magnanimous "holding"?


  6, 70% did not express true value


  Spent hundreds of words to describe the oneself once the study background and work experience, and even participated in what kind of special training, the style of writing is flowing freely, quite rich feelings, feel real, but is to let a person look not to understand these experiences behind their accumulated many precious experiences and skills. The current job, can express more to be able to summarize, a good product to be market acceptance, must first reveals its value and the characteristic. Want to promote oneself to go out, to express their true value is the key!



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