
时间:2023-05-23 15:11:50 作者:会员上传


  1. Avoid by all means is not for QiuZhi

  Although said web site published in the recruitment unit job description, is very ideal state, the final winners may also hard to meet the requirements of the list. But it shows the employing units in the recruitment of attention when aspects. When a resume can't just throwing out every day the number of them, and also should refer to their own conditions.

  Received resume, a lot of the fresh graduates "department senior manager". And the position of the contribution of requirements first is "5 years of relevant working experience." This means that the post is a relatively rich technology and management experience to handle the job. Don't let the shots, but please resume, consider before the probability of winning, lest waste your time and energy.

  2. Avoid by all means is to post the same company many job

  Now of a job interview, interview official often asked another question, that is, "you career planning". With the direction of development, just more easy to find suitable for his position, and effort, achieve a win-win result. Post your resume, avoid by all means is the same company to post a multiple position. Especially some don't related position. For example and apply for "department senior manager" and "sales department senior manager". This only shows that two problems: you for your own future was not planning; Lack of confidence.

  3. If it is through the various job sites post, must strictly according to the web site of the format required input mail title.

  For example "name + + information source for jobs". Otherwise, can be some enterprise internal email system to be automatic referred to as "spam". I every day now from "spam" can save a lot of your resume. Hard to fill in your resume, only because in the email subject of oversight, is as spam, really wrong. So please, we must pay attention to of the title of the form



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