
时间:2023-05-23 01:06:42 作者:会员上传

recommend letter
honorific yang zong:
how do you do!
i xing4 wang2 dan bai3 be a bright word.attend now with often the state information molding tool in the occupation technical college manufacturing and product shape design honored very much to witness your elegant appearance when my school speak to learn at you, also carry on brief exchanges with you luckily, also therefore understood your your respect and admire, let my heart be full of enterprising:provide the passion of post to your company, let to see fine future;to own trust, let me bravely picked up the pen in the hand, wrote down this to recommend letter.
"the gentleman has the sorrow of world" menzi's words are to encourage the motive that i go forward forever.i dare not to hastily say oneself a heart bosom world, allow by world for oneself, but to oneself be responsible for, be responsible for the matter do, be responsible for the unit belong to is my lasting behavior exactly because of this i passed national english four classes examination, got hold of to study a special prize, acquired second class scholarship in the hospital, jiangsu province addition to studying professional knowledge, at lesson remaining time i study everyone noodles knowledge hard, and acquire province humanities knowledge in jiangsu to contest an excellent prize in XX.these all all give i self-confident, make me enterprising, cu i go forward.
"the chest one who have to arouse thunder but noodles such as the even lake can do obeisance for the full general soldier" becomes "general", become a "full general soldier" which is full of reasonableness and will to fight is pursue of my this present life, is exactly this kind of to pursue strength to me, let me successively hold the post of publicity member of committee in the class, the regiment pays book and leader of class, argue association to make president of association in the hospital, and help lecture and eloquence association of the classmate foundation.pass many organizations and the plan student's activity, i practiced good eloquence and raised the organization harmoniously adjusts ability, also profoundly understand the team importance of cooperation, regardless face what circumstance, the noodles is like even lake and the reasonableness faces to become me the biggest this period, i acquired "fasten students with excellent records a staff" and"fasten the activity aggressive prize" waits various honors with"fasten the literary style excellent prize".this all everythings give me the courage, draw my strength and once i was proud.also believe this also all is me later the ability very competent at a job assurance.although i obtain some result on the study and the work, die down professional interest to also make me some to divide attention, lucky is that i got in touch with your company, the flames of intense emotion will continue flaming combustion, believe such as lucky contribute efforts to your company, settle can is prosperous and flourishing for your company to make an own contribution.
"the desire poor long distance eyes, more previous floor", the sincerity hopes to lend this high building of your company, the eyes of poor long distance, also believe the purpose of poor long distance me to settle an ability to construct more impressive-looking high building contribution strength for your company.end, appreciate very much always to read my to recommend letter in 100 favours, thanks.



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