
时间:2023-05-23 01:06:02 作者:会员上传

dear leaders:
   first of all, thank you for your busy schedule to read my自荐信.

   jilin university, i was an undergraduate 97 graduates session. four years in school, whether in the intellectual capacity, or in the cultivation of personal qualities, i have benefited from. i study hard, work hard, achieved good results. smoothly through the computer two examinations, four english-speaking countries, the examination standards in the computer, i am through learning, is in control of autocad, officeXX, photoshop and other commonly used applications, and proficient in xp and other operating systems. computer graphic design and image processing and analysis also have some expertise, administrators have had the experience of the engine room.

    as a vehicle of professional undergraduate, i am full of love for china's national automobile industry, down-to-earth basic course to learn the professional and outstanding. both the professional practice of curriculum design of the plant or close attachment, every time i examination results are excellent, in their spare time, i also collect a great deal of information relating to motor vehicles, and expand the horizons and enrich the professional knowledge. in changchun city, jilin university, the prestigious association of car enthusiasts, i play the main role of fans has organized recreational activities, and planning multi-phase "fans" magazine, widely praised by teachers and students. may 1999, i was also invited to guest in a radio station in changchun, "fans club" show host.

     in addition to a higher standard of english, computer courses as well as excellent results, i also focus on personal capability and an integrated quality, who has passed the b-type driver's license, and have a certain amount of auto-repair technology. in social practice, i seize every opportunity to exercise themselves in the al-qaeda as the advertising agency advertising company, in jilin industrial? for the prestigious national law school of kyrgyzstan established the first application station (for the college students to carry out students), also competing in the days木兰县law firm served as assistant counsel. in addition, i also actively participate in the club among the students, to assist the college club. party school of jilin university, i have to close down and become the focus of a good party activists. based on the study, i would like to engage with the vehicle-related occupations, for the chinese national automotive industry to take off to fight all his life.

     distinguished leadership, i am anxious to look forward to becoming an employee of your company to my hard-working hard to forge ahead, as well as the spirit of tenacious struggle for the cause of building blocks of your company.

      i eagerly look forward to becoming a member of your company!






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