
时间:2023-05-22 18:15:11 作者:会员上传




  ◆during the past then years,my experience has been concentrated in the masonry and plastering products supply industry with a building materials firm.during my six years as general manager,i took an old line business,which had undergone several years of poor management,and reversed the trend.i upgraded the firms image,and customer and vendor relations,which subsequently increased the dollar volume and bottom line profits by 300%.

  ◆my employment background consists of twelve years at the deaconess hospital,where i provide a wide range of administrative,financial,and research support to the chief executive officer.i have a strong aptitude for working with numbers and extensive experience with computer software applications.

  ◆you require: i offer:

  a college degree a bachelors degree in english from long island university

  fluency in italian and french fluency in italian,german,and french

  office experience experience as a receptionist at a busy accounting firm

  typing skills accurate typing at 60wpm

  willngness to travel willingness to travel

  ◆my work experience and my scholastic endeavors have thoroughly prepared me for employment in a firm that specializes in various segments of law.this fall and past summer,i have been working for a small general practice firm where i am entrusted with a great deal of responsibility.i write appellate briefs,memoranda in corporate,contract,and criminal law,and i draft complaints and answers.i also actively participate in attorney-client conferences by questioning clients and by describing how the law affects the clients suits.

  ◆i offer extensive knowledge of five computer languages and strong management,sales,and sales support experience.as a computer specialist,i was responsible for the management of a center handling the complete line of honeywell computers and peripherals for home and commercial use.in addition to a b.s.degree in business administration,i will receive a certificate in programming this may.

  ◆please note that i am currently completing my senior year at north dakota university and will receive my b.s.degree with a major in accounting and a concentration in computer programming in may.throughout school,and during full-time and part-time employment,i have continued to strengthen my focus in these areas.in addition,i have excellent problem-solving skills and feel that,if given the opportunity,i would be an immediate as well as a long-term asset to your firm.

  ◆i am presently a senior in good standing at new york university,due to graduate in may.i am pursuing a bachelor of arts degree with a major in journalism and a minor in both economics and english literature am proficient in both wordperfect and microsoft word for windows,and am familiar with both ibm and apple operating systems. i am presently working as a research intern for the economics division of tradewinds publishing in newark.

  ◆i have six years of experience,two as an apprentice and four as a licensed electrician,handling all kinds of electrical installations,working with electrical contractors,and as a subcontractor.presently i am investigating new opportunities in which to apply my education and experience with a well established company.i am capable of working independently or as a member of a team and feel confident of my ability to provide quality performance in any assignment that i undertake.

  ◆during the past fourteen years,my experience has ranged from senior auditor with keane & co.peripherals to my current position as vice-president/controller of a $90 million,multi-plant cd-rom manufacturing operation.i believe that my expertise and entrepreneurial insight can be utilized to the advantage of a growing enterprise with a need for effective and efficient financial management and cost control.

  ◆as you will note,i have fifteen years of educational and media experience.

  i am proficient in the operation of a wide variety of photographic,video,and audio equipment.i am regularly responsible for processing,duplicating,and setting up slide presentations,as well as synchronized slide and audio presentations.





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