
时间:2023-06-01 22:17:37 作者:会员上传

  导语:演讲稿也叫演讲词,它是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。 以下是小编整理2019年新年贺词英语演讲稿的资料,欢迎阅读参考。


  Distinguished staff, comrades and friends,

  The sun and the moon open new yuan, heaven and earth another spring. On the occasion of the arrival of the Spring Festival, I, on behalf of the board of directors of the group, and administrative staff to work in the marketing, production, management, and other jobs in the first line of hard work, selfless dedication of the staff, to the serious and responsible, positive lead, governs incorruptibly management workers at all levels, from obscurity, actively support group staff work every family, to have been concerned about and support the construction and development of shanxi vinegar group friends from all walks of life, the most cordial sympathy and best wishes!

  We are filled with joy and pride. The past year has been an extraordinary year in the development history of XXXX group. It is a year for employees to work together and strive for progress. In this year, the achievements made, the development of the group, the momentum is good.

  The results of the past year have not come easily. These achievements obtained, condensing the kind care of leaders at all levels, embodies the social from all walks of life support, more embodies the toil and sweat of the workforce, at this point, we said to you the most high respect and heartfelt thanks!

  Looking to the future, we have to shoulder our responsibilities. "11th five-year plan" period is the key period of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way in our country, as the implementation of the national economy sustained, rapid, coordinated and healthy development of the key period, is also a group fully realize standardized management and operation, sales and production to jump a new step, equipment updating and workshop reconstruction greatly across, group key to expanding the scale of the industry chain cooperation development.

  In the New Year, we will continue to fly the deng xiaoping theory and "three represents" the important thoughts of the flag, conscientiously implement the party's 16 big conference spirit, keep in mind the "eight honors, eight disgraces" code of conduct, under the support of the leadership of the provinces and cities, firmly establish and earnestly implement the scientific concept of development, adhere to the people-oriented principle, adhere to the normative operation, team construction as the core, to deepen the enterprise reform, advancing science and technology innovation. To establish and perfect the management system and operation mechanism which conforms to the development rules of modern science and technology and old Chen vinegar. Let the enterprise strengthen, let the staff satisfied, unite and fight, accelerate development!

  Employees, family members, friends, in the new, hope sails have been young, let us join hands to overcome difficulties and forge ahead, keep pace with The Times, cherish our yesterday's achievements, to grasp the good opportunity today, to meet the XXXX group to do strongly does the brilliant tomorrow!

  Finally, I wish you all good health, happiness and good luck!



  Happy New Year!

  Golden tiger quit the old thousand family music, yutu welcome the new 10,000! XX years of footsteps faded away, XX year bell has resounded through the end of the world, in this new moment of happiness, I, on behalf of rev light group chairman Mr Qiu Qiguang and in my own name, to the zhuhai fu mau company my sincere greetings to all the staff and the New Year's greeting and good wishes!

  In XX years, all the members of zhuhai fulao company, under the correct guidance of the development concepts and goals of the group company, worked together, worked hard and innovatively. Throughout the year to complete the project 107, realize the output of about 9118 tons, annual production of small class average qualified rate of 97% or more at one time, we first strengthen the construction of the enterprise staff, cultivate a very skillful, dare to fight a production team, in the face of a variety of test, everyone carries forward the special can endure hardship, particularly to combat's spirit, the second is to strengthen its management of each department job responsibilities, carrying out responsibility system of the department director, has been clear about the responsibilities of each department to deepen the enterprise system of the supervision.

  The high spirit and great enthusiasm, reflects our enterprise spirit, good for the company each work contributed to the successful completion of the task, for group company brand laid a solid foundation. In summary results at the same time, we also have clear understanding to their own difficulties and shortcomings, such as: implement the system of the company does not reach the designated position, executive force is not enough, those responsible for supervision and inspection, lack of plan and summary, etc., are all need we to solve these problems.

  We will accomplish in XX years, group of the year, 14400 tons of production target tasks, and make sure all the other data and indicators to complete and standard, to speed up the pace of construction of enterprise system at the same time, in quality, safety, service, efficiency, saving on multiple links such as the implementation of comprehensive, coordinate and implement improving technology innovation ability, improve enterprise competitiveness, strengthen personnel training, further enhance the company staff's cohesive force, centripetal force, execution, meet opportunities and face challenges.

  "It is true that the stampings are like iron, and now we are moving from the beginning to the beginning," he said. "let us stand shoulder to shoulder, in solidarity, in solidarity, in the spirit of striving for higher and further goals."

  Finally: wish the development of the group to a higher level!

  Wish all staff members in the New Year:

  A prosperous career, a healthy body, a happy life and a happy health!



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