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   正式邀请 ( Formal Invitations )


  3. 1. 邀请参加学术会议 (An Invitation for a Conference)

  October 24, 1994

  Dear Professor Qian:

  I am pleased to inform you that the Culture Regeneration Research Society is organizing an academic exchange conference entitled “The Conflicts of Civilization and Cultural China” on 6-7 January 1995 in Vancouver, Canada.

  You are cordially invited to participate in this important academic event of North America as our guest. Your round trip air ticket, acmodation, and meal expenses mon? I puter facilities, and minor research costs (., photocopying, mail). If any joint e to the exhibition and give some good suggestions.

  Truly yours, (签名)

  Zhang Ming

  Secretary of the Organising Committee

  3. 1. 1. 5

  邀请参加招待会 ( An Invitation for a Reception )

  September 20, 1994

  Dear Dr. Wilson:

  A grand reception for foreign experts and foreign teachers e.

  We expect to see you then.

  Yours very truly, (签名) Hou Jie

  Anhui Education Commission

  3. 1. 2 非正式邀请 ( Informal invitations )


   ( An Invitation for a Celebration )

  July 28, 1992

  Dear Laura:

  We are going to have a tea party to celebrate my parents’ fiftieth anniversary of their marriage and certainly e. It’s next Thursday, August 10th , at six o’clock.

  We do hope you can make it, as Peter and I are expecting e and are expecting to see you then.

  Yours cordially, Linda (签名)

  3. 1. 邀请朋友来家小住 (An Invitation for a Short Stay at Home)

  June 12, 1993

  Dear More:

  I ing Summer Vacation. If not, I e and stay e. With best e.

  Sincerely yours,

  Ma Mingcheng (签名)

  . 2. 5 女儿充当女主人邀请贵宾 ( Daughter Acting as Hostess to Write

  an Invitation )

  May 8

  Dear Mrs’ Byrnes:

  Father Wishes me to ask you and Mr. Byrnes to dine e. We are looking formodation, and meal expenses mon? I puter facilities, and minor research costs (., photocopying, mail). If any joint e to the exhibition and give some good suggestions.

  Truly yours, (签名)

  Zhang Ming

  Secretary of the Organising Committee

  3. 1. 1. 5

  邀请参加招待会 ( An Invitation for a Reception )

  September 20, 1994

  Dear Dr. Wilson:

  A grand reception for foreign experts and foreign teachers e.

  We expect to see you then.

  Yours very truly, (签名) Hou Jie

  Anhui Education Commission

  3. 1. 2 非正式邀请 ( Informal invitations )


   ( An Invitation for a Celebration )

  July 28, 1992

  Dear Laura:

  We are going to have a tea party to celebrate my parents’ fiftieth anniversary of their marriage and certainly e. It’s next Thursday, August 10th , at six o’clock.

  We do hope you can make it, as Peter and I are expecting e and are expecting to see you then.

  Yours cordially, Linda (签名)

  3. 1. 邀请朋友来家小住 (An Invitation for a Short Stay at Home)

  June 12, 1993

  Dear More:

  I ing Summer Vacation. If not, I e and stay e. With best e.

  Sincerely yours,

  Ma Mingcheng (签名)

  . 2. 5 女儿充当女主人邀请贵宾 ( Daughter Acting as Hostess to Write

  an Invitation )

  May 8

  Dear Mrs’ Byrnes:

  Father Wishes me to ask you and Mr. Byrnes to dine e. We are looking formodation, and meal expenses mon? I puter facilities, and minor research costs (., photocopying, mail). If any joint e to the exhibition and give some good suggestions.

  Truly yours, (签名)

  Zhang Ming

  Secretary of the Organising Committee

  3. 1. 1. 5

  邀请参加招待会 ( An Invitation for a Reception )

  September 20, 1994

  Dear Dr. Wilson:

  A grand reception for foreign experts and foreign teachers e.

  We expect to see you then.

  Yours very truly, (签名) Hou Jie

  Anhui Education Commission

  3. 1. 2 非正式邀请 ( Informal invitations )


   ( An Invitation for a Celebration )

  July 28, 1992

  Dear Laura:

  We are going to have a tea party to celebrate my parents’ fiftieth anniversary of their marriage and certainly e. It’s next Thursday, August 10th , at six o’clock.

  We do hope you can make it, as Peter and I are expecting e and are expecting to see you then.

  Yours cordially, Linda (签名)

  3. 1. 邀请朋友来家小住 (An Invitation for a Short Stay at Home)

  June 12, 1993

  Dear More:

  I ing Summer Vacation. If not, I e and stay e. With best e.

  Sincerely yours,

  Ma Mingcheng (签名)

  . 2. 5 女儿充当女主人邀请贵宾 ( Daughter Acting as Hostess to Write

  an Invitation )

  May 8

  Dear Mrs’ Byrnes:

  Father Wishes me to ask you and Mr. Byrnes to dine e. We are looking formodation, and meal expenses mon? I puter facilities, and minor research costs (., photocopying, mail). If any joint e to the exhibition and give some good suggestions.

  Truly yours, (签名)

  Zhang Ming

  Secretary of the Organising Committee

  3. 1. 1. 5

  邀请参加招待会 ( An Invitation for a Reception )

  September 20, 1994

  Dear Dr. Wilson:

  A grand reception for foreign experts and foreign teachers e.

  We expect to see you then.

  Yours very truly, (签名) Hou Jie

  Anhui Education Commission

  3. 1. 2 非正式邀请 ( Informal invitations )


   ( An Invitation for a Celebration )

  July 28, 1992

  Dear Laura:

  We are going to have a tea party to celebrate my parents’ fiftieth anniversary of their marriage and certainly e. It’s next Thursday, August 10th , at six o’clock.

  We do hope you can make it, as Peter and I are expecting e and are expecting to see you then.

  Yours cordially, Linda (签名)

  3. 1. 邀请朋友来家小住 (An Invitation for a Short Stay at Home)

  June 12, 1993

  Dear More:

  I ing Summer Vacation. If not, I e and stay e. With best e.

  Sincerely yours,

  Ma Mingcheng (签名)

  . 2. 5 女儿充当女主人邀请贵宾 ( Daughter Acting as Hostess to Write

  an Invitation )

  May 8

  Dear Mrs’ Byrnes:

  Father Wishes me to ask you and Mr. Byrnes to dine e. We are looking forward to seeing you again.

  Affectionately yours, Jean Cleveland (签名)




  March 27, 1993

  Dear Mr. Manager

  We’re writing this letter to introduce Mr. Zhang Qiang, Sales Manager of Anhui Chemicals Import & Export Co. Ltd., with which firm we have had business relations for many years.



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