高中英语作文:How to Release from Stress

时间:2022-06-26 07:36:26 作者:会员上传

高中英语作文:How to Release from Stress

People are enjoying the comfortable life, but also experiencing more and more competitions and suffering much more stress than before. Each man has his specific activities that helped him to release from stress.

First of all,sufficient sleep is essential for each person.There is no doubt that sleeping could modulate the function of each organ and release the body from stressful situation.What’s more,sufficient sleep would not only make us more energetic to handle tired of the physical body,but also release the mental stress.

Moreover,I think that family is the most important thing in human’s life. Family helps you go through the difficult moments of your life. The most important of all,their love for you gives you confidence.Friends also have an important role,because you can share with them your problems and your stress.Another way to escape stress is to play sports.Another way to escape stress is to play sports. because the fact that you would forget concerns and stress on the field.

In addition, a short vacation is one of the efficient way to release from stress. It’s good for you to relax a few free days.

In conclusion, there are several activities that help me forget concerns and to relax, such as sufficient sleeping ,communicate with family or friends,going on a short vacation . As the proverb says ‘No play makes Jack a dull boy.’ It’s essential and benefit for us to learn how to release ourselves from stress.




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