
时间:2023-05-26 20:56:33 作者:会员上传



  Dear parents,

  Now I know clearly that you both are expecting me anxiously. I can say nothing but thanks to you both on this special occasion, because words have failed me when I want to express my thanks to you both for the loving care you have shown for me, especially since I went to Senior Three. These days I have been studying hard and have made some progress. And everything has got along well with my college entrance examination. I have performed my ability in this exam. I hope you both can set your mind at rest.

  After this exam, I intend to help you do some housework which I have seldom done before. And I also mean to learn to cook in order to prepare a dinner for you both in person.

  My dear parents, everything is going on well with me and do have a rest! Best wishes.




  dear mom & dad,

  i love you! i love you so much! i love you with all my heart!

  thank you so much for bringing up! thank you so much for raising me. i know how hard you’ve worked during the past years. i can image how many difficulties and obstacles you’ve conquered. i can imagine all the problems you have faced and all the sweat and tears you have shed to make my life better. i can fully understand what a huge responsibility it is to raise a child. you’ve been very patient with me. you’ve encouraged me and you’ve helped me. you’ve tried your hardest to give me the best things in life. you’ve made a lot of sacrifices and many difficult choices. i also know that you have great expectations of me. you want me to be very successful and happy. you want me to be the best person i can be. you want me to do great things with my life. you want me to make the world a better place. i know you have so many so many hopes and dreams for my future.

  today i want to tell you something extremely important.

  today i want to tell you that you don't need to worry about me any more. i'm grown up! i will be responsible for my life and for my future. i will study very hard. i will exercise everyday to keep fit. i will read english every morning and every night. i will make the best use of every spare minute. i will be happy, confident, positive and energetic everyday!! i will develop good habits and use them to constantly improve myself. i will never do anything that would harm my body or my mind. i will never do anything that would make you feel disappointed or ashamed. i will learn as much as i can and become smarter and stronger every day. i have learned by watching you that the best way to reach my goals is to work hard and never give up. you’re my best role models. you set a great example for me.

  i have so many great dreams. i know that realizing these dreams will take a lot of time and effort. but don't worry about me. i have strong confidence in myself. i know if i keep trying, keep working hard and keep dreaming, i will definitely realize all my dreams. i will be somebody special. but i will not only care about myself. i will contribute to my school, my hometown and my country. i will contribute to society. i will use all my abilities and talents to help my family and my country have a glorious future. i will make a difference in this world.

  dear mom and dad, you’ll be proud of me! you will see great results from all your hard work and sacrifice. thank you very much for your continued support! thank you very much for your patience, love and understanding. i love you! i appreciate you! i’m very proud of you!


  Dear mom and dad,

  although we can keep in virtual touch every day by means of msn or e-mails, i still feel it not enough to let you know how much i love you and how much i’ve appreciated the things you’ve done for me. i find that it will never be too much to say thank you to you, my beloved parents.

  first, i want to thank you for making all your efforts to bring me up. i was told that you were short of money when i was born and it became even more difficult for a young couple to raise a child without any help from elder generation. so i appreciate your careful nursing very much for giving me a good health and the feeling of being loved.

  second, i want to thank you for your good education on me. there is an old saying goes like this “parents are the first teacher to their children”. yes, you are the typical ones. you were so strict with me that i told my kindergarten teacher of my wonder about whether i was the child of yours, not the one picked up from street. touching on this soft spot deeply in my heart, vivid memories came flooding back. i won’t forget the scene of my first and also the last lie found out by you. i couldn’t stop trembling all over. i was ashamed to cry when you beat me. i thought i deserved this punishment and told myself to keep away from telling lies from then on.

  i won’t forget how much you’ve impressed on me to love books and reading. even in the most difficult time, you still spared me some money for the books i was fond of. my love of books never diminished and later led me toward writing articles myself. so many times, i have felt a sense of content when i saw your smiling faces on reading my articles, good or bad. in fact, this graduated into one of my habits of sharing everything i achieved with you and feeling content with your smiles i’m so foolish to try to write all the things you’ve done in my favor. if it is possible, this letter must be endless.

  so, the most important thing that i want to say “thank you” for is your great admiration on my own freedom. you never forced me to do anything i was not interested in, even you had already known that i would regret not doing it. you never forbade me to do anything i was truly interested in and supported me financially and mentally. you told me to look over the horizons and to pursuit my own dreams without hesitation. you also told me to consider everything carefully before getting start. oh, wherever i go, i can see your eager eyes ; whenever i am, i can touch your genuine hearts. you’ve been loving me heart and soul, how can i repay your marvelous love to me?

  i really feel that my pen fails me when i am writing this thank you letter. luckily, may holiday is coming. it will give me the most excellent opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to you----coming home and share more time together with you. yours

  wang minyuan



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