
时间:2023-05-26 21:46:08 作者:会员上传








  Dear parents,

  Now I know clearly that you both are expecting me anxiously. I can say nothing but thanks to you both on this special occasion, because words have failed me when I want to express my thanks to you both for the loving care you have shown for me, especially since I went to Senior Three. These days I have been studying hard and have made some progress. And everything has got along well with my college entrance examination. I have performed my ability in this exam. I hope you both can set your mind at rest.

  After this exam, I intend to help you do some housework which I have seldom done before. And I also mean to learn to cook in order to prepare a dinner for you both in person.

  My dear parents, everything is going on well with me and do have a rest!


  Dear Mom and Dad,

  I love you! I love you with all my heart! This letter to you is to tell you my true feelings from the bottom of my heart.

  Thank you so much for bringing me up! Thank you so much for raising me. I know how hard you’ve worked during the past years. I can imagine how many difficulties and obstacles (障碍) you’ve conquered. I can imagine all the problems you have faced and all the sweat and tears you have shed to make my life better. I can fully understand what a huge responsibility it is to raise a child. You’ve been very patient with me. You’ve encouraged me and you’ve helped me. You’ve tried your hardest to give me the best things in life. You’ve made a lot of sacrifices and many difficult choices. I also know that you have great expectations (热切的期望) of me. You want me to be very successful and happy. You want me to be the best person I can be. You want me to do great things with my life. You want me to make the world a better place. I know you have so many hopes and dreams for my future.

  Today I want to tell you something extremely important (极其重要的) .Today I want to tell you that you don’t need to worry about me anymore. I’m grown up! I will be responsible (负责任) for my life and for my future. I will study very hard. I will exercise every day to keep fit. I will read English every morning and every night. I will make the best use of every spare minute. I will be happy, confident, positive and energetic every day! I will develop good habits and use them to constantly improve myself. I will never do anything that would harm my body or my mind.



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