
时间:2023-05-25 22:23:12 作者:会员上传

  invitation letter

  i would hereby invite the members of beijing delegation totally 4 persons (listed attachment) led by you, to come over to ***(country) for *** (exposition), which is to be held at *** (place)during *** (date). please make the necessary arrangements for your delegation to arrive in *** (country).

  during the exposition, you will stay here for *** days. all your expenses including international air tickets, local transportation, accommodations, medical insurances and all other related expenses during your stay here will be paid by yourselves.

  we are looking forward to greeting you in *** (country) very soon.

  yours sincerely,

  (signature) (date)

  name list





  tel: ___________

  e-mail: ________

  canadian consulate general

  suite ___ - ___ ______ lu

  ______ ______

  china (prc)

  re: invitation letter

  dear sir/madam,

  i, ____________, residing at _________________, would like to invite my mother, _________, residing at _____________, to visit us in canada for about ____ months starting from ________.

  the purpose of the visit is social as well as tourism within canada. during her visit, she will stay with us at the above address and we will be responsible for all her expenses including the round trip air fare to canada, food, housing, travelling within canada, medical insurance and her all the other expenses.

  we will make sure that my mother will leave canada before the expiration of her authorized stay. please kindly grant her a temporary resident visa.

  please do not hesitate to contact me via telephone or e-mail if you have any questions.

  best regards,


  ref. to *** (中文名)

  dear father ***:

  this letter is invite you to come usa to see us together with mother ***, and living with us for 6 months in (city name, state name), usa. we will pay all the fees for your living and traveling in usa, and the plane tickets for coming usa and returning to china. during you staying in usa, we will visit several famous cities in the world: new york (to walk in walt street and to visit the statue of liberty), washington dc (it is the capital of usa), atlantic seashore (atlantic city is a famous gambling city), the west point (the cradle of army’s leaders of usa), falls of niagara and so on. you will know that how the persons in usa are living and how we are living in usa.

  if possible, we can celebrate chinese new-year-day in ***.

  we believe that you will feel pleasure during your traveling in usa.





  ref. to (中文名)

  dear father ***:

  this letter is invite you to come usa to see us together with mother ***, and living with us for 6 months in (city name, state name), usa. we will pay all the fees for your living and traveling in usa, and the plane tickets for coming usa and returning to china. during you staying in usa, we will visit several famous cities in the world: new york (to walk in walt street and to visit the statue of liberty), washington dc (it is the capital of usa), atlantic seashore (atlantic city is a famous gambling city), the west point (the cradle of army’s leaders of usa), falls of niagara and so on. you will know that how the persons in usa are living and how we are living in usa.

  if possible, we can celebrate chinese new-year-day in ***.

  we believe that you will feel pleasure during your traveling in usa.


  这封信是邀请您和母亲一起来美国看我们, 和我们一起在美***,*** 生活6 个月。我们将支付你们在美国期间所有的生活和旅行的费用,包括往返程的飞机票。你们来美国后,我们会带你们到几个世界闻名的城市和地区去参观旅游,这些地方包括:纽约(我们将在华尔街散步,参观自由女神雕像),华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(美国的首都),大西洋海滩(大西洋城是著名的赌城),西点(西点军校所在地,美国军队干部的摇篮),以及尼亚加拉大瀑布等。你们将了解在美国人们怎样生活,我们怎样生活。

  可能的话,我们能在*** 一起过春节。




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