
时间:2023-05-25 18:40:12 作者:会员上传




  today we take as a special pleasure to have your company at our celebration for the opening of ____ (place) branch shop. we hope that we could share this celebration with you a nd invite you to visit our shop to taste some delicious wine.

  you are warmly welcomed to visit us on ____ (date), from ____ (time a) to ____ (time b).

  if your friends a nd acquaintances also take interest in our products, all of them are welcome.

  looking forward to your visit.

  (complimentary close)


  dear xxx:

  i am writing to invite you to join me in xxxx(city name) and to stay with me here for three years until my current course finishes in december 20xx. i am also sending you a set of documents, listed below, for your use in connection with your application for entry clearance to enter the uk as my dependant.

  for further information, i can be contacted at the above address. take care. love you

  your husband



  please note, however, that we don’t assume any legal or financial

  responsibility whatever regarding the presence of in china. all expenses of sjourney to/from china, their stay in china as well as health insurance will be borne by their employers.

  we send you our kindest regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip. yours sincerely,

  general manager signatur

  july 29, 20xx


  dear sir or madam:

  please note, however, that we don’t assume any legal or financial responsibility whatever regarding the presence of ****** in china. all expenses of *****’sjourney to/from china, their stay in china as well as health insurance will be borne by their employers.

  we send you our kindest regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip. yours sincerely,

  general manager signatur

  july 29, 20xx

  xxx, ceo

  xxx, vp sales

  xxxxxxxx corporation


  progressing in promoting and selling your products. we believe this visit will be of great benefit to our future business cooperation.

  please use this invitation letter to apply for your visa to china.

  we are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feel free to inform me.

  yours truly,





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