
时间:2023-05-25 14:55:01 作者:会员上传




  Dear SirMadam,

  We hereby officially invite the following delegation of BBBLearning to visit our school in China, for further business discussion and business cooperation.

  Delegation Member:

  Full name: AAA

  Gender: Male DOB: May 30, 972

  Expiry Date: 9 Dec 20xx Pasort number: XXXXXXX

  Visiting Time: 23rd September 20xx to 22nd September 20xx

  All expenses arose by him in China (accommodation fee, airland traniration ticket fee, life insurance fee, etc.) are to be borne by himself.

  As business cooperation needs frequent talks and visits, we are so much appreciated if your esteemed embassy could issue the one year multi-entry visa to the above mentioned person at sight of this letter.

  Yours faithfully,

  Dr. CCC

  Director of Programme


  Ref. To *** (中文名)

  Dear Father ***:

  This letter is invite you to come USA to see us together with Mother ***, and living with us for 6 months in (City name, State name), USA. We will pay all the fees for your living and traveling in USA, and the plane tickets for coming USA and returning to China. During you staying in USA, we will visit several famous cities in the world: New York (to walk in Walt Street and to visit the Statue of Liberty), Washington DC (it is the capital of USA), Atlantic seashore (Atlantic City is a famous gambling city), the West Point (the cradle of Army’s leaders of USA), Falls of Niagara and so on. You will know that how the persons in USA are living and how we are living in USA.

  If possible, we can celebrate Chinese New-Year-Day in ***.



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