
时间:2023-05-24 15:18:34 作者:会员上传

  University life is coming to an end, oncoming is the colorful, complex and changeable social life. A new journey is about to set out, based on the past, look to the future, I will be here to conduct a summary of my college life.

  I still remember the joy of entering the campus and confused, full of enthusiasm and hope, but they are at a loss. With the continuous accumulation of learning and life, enthusiasm does not seem to diminish, but less hope, but more and more clear. Especially graduation soon, seems like a dream, feel that they lack too many things, so began to speed up.

  After a time of social practice, my childish little, more and more understanding of the social sensibility, but also let me constantly reflect on their own, thinking about life, explore their own lives, social values and the purpose of my walk into the campus - not just to find a good job. In three years, I own the requirements of the conduct and even more than the requirements of learning, I know that these two things is indispensable to modern quality, and self-cultivation seems to be easier to go downhill.

  My passion for the profession will inspire me to learn and explore management knowledge, and I know that learning at school is just a start.Through professional training and my own social practice experience, I increasingly feel that human resources to the great role of society, and our country is in the initial stage of development, most of the theoretical knowledge is copied from abroad, the lack of practical experience. I will cherish the rest of the little time in school, study hard and master more professional knowledge.



    我是**财政学院东方学院国际商务系的一名应届毕业生,性格外向善于交际,曾在系学生会学习部任部长一职,成功组织过院演讲比赛 征文比赛 辩论赛等各项活动,为后届...




    美好的三年高中生活让我积累了充分的文化知识,社会实践能力有了提高,也让我在心理上有了质的飞跃。跟刚刚从初中进入高中的时候比起来就跟2个人一样。  高中的三年...






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    高中生活是每个人人生经历中较为重要的一段时光,同样,与此同时的我也即将度过这美好的三年学习生活。  三年的时间不仅丰富了我的头脑,学会了更多的科学文化知道,...