
时间:2023-05-24 13:47:13 作者:会员上传



  20xx is coming to an end, the new year is nearing. Xx project from mid-April 20xx formal construction to the present, of which the total number of steel pipe gantry workshop area of 9820 square meters, reserved warehouse door frame steel structure with a total area of 3840 square meters, the main body in early June 20xx, 20xx In mid-October across the board into use, the results with the company's leadership and the project department of the hard work of all employees are inseparable, but also our design department, Department of Materials, Engineering and other companies from top to bottom the result of unity and cooperation. In the whole construction process of the project, also deeply aware of the importance of teamwork, some of their own shortcomings, team harmony, etc. are the key factors affecting the smooth progress of the project. To this end, now the fourth quarter engineering work summarized as follows:

  First, the schedule of progress

  In the early stage of construction, under the consistent efforts of the whole company, the whole works well and the project has a good trend from safety, quality and progress. However, the processing of raw materials is an important link. , The audit of its materials related to the acceptance of the project safety, progress and other major links. (Materials often problems: 1, the material does not match the original drawings. Refer to the drawings one by one inspection to ensure that the material is correct; followed by raw materials in the production process to increase its efforts to monitor the company to ensure the correct production of materials for the Do not need to do a good job guarantee .2, raw materials approach the corresponding information is not perfect .It is recommended in the process of distribution of materials, the organization of the corresponding information staff to prepare the appropriate information on the vehicle distribution .3, good drawings review, the original design of common sense I would like to set up the company before the corresponding set of leadership, design, materials, engineering (recommended construction team in the conditions permitting, in the event of the construction site, The meeting will be responsible for the corresponding person in charge of a "pre-Conference" for the drawings, contracts, raw materials collection, material distribution co-ordination, design technology, on-site management issues to do a full range of analysis, co-ordination, Responsibilities, unity team strength.

  In the foundation construction, the weather and other irresistible factors, is affecting the overall project successfully completed the biggest stumbling block, for this site managers should be based on the actual situation of the site, Party, weather and other factors to do the appropriate adjustments, reasonable arrangements for the construction schedule, Effective measures to catch up with the progress of the system. In this, I also deeply aware of their own shortcomings, the face of rainy weather can not reasonably organize workers to do the preparatory work for the latter part of the progress of the work, the corresponding conditions permitting the corresponding time delay caused by the progress of the project to step up , The corresponding surprise overtime is my own lack of management experience, can not be reasonable and effective deployment of workers to fully implement, so in the future work there are many places need to learn to grow.

  Second, the construction safety

  Site construction to be able to truly realize that production safety is a business and personal casting too fine in the premise and protection. We can realize the social attitude of "people-oriented, safety first", and can realize the importance and necessity of safety facilities, safety education and prevention. In the early stage of construction, do a good job of worker safety education, the signing of the corresponding labor contract, the security at the end, always bear in mind safety awareness, xx reserved warehouse project midway construction workers in the process of fall, as the scene responsible for people I can not Shirking responsibility, in the company's leadership under the same concerted efforts to take appropriate emergency measures for the injured in a timely and effective fight for the most valuable time to rescue, making the final health recovery workers to provide a strong guarantee for this I also reflect on their own deep, In the future construction site safety management work, always do a good job "Sambo, four, five edge", the construction of civilization, the safety education of workers, investigation of security risks as the focus of the work and the development of specific security Implementation of programs and measures for the smooth conduct of escort the project.

  Third, the construction quality

  A hundred years, quality-oriented. Xx project, with the already completed, but still left a lot of thorny issues, such as: roof tile sun lap at the water leakage, wall windows leaks ... ... to the party's production has caused some impact, but also for the company The unnecessary loss, which I am deeply guilty, has been working to repair. In view of the above, I think in the construction process of the construction process to monitor their time, to avoid the workers paralysis thinking, to work with the team signed a technical agreement, if necessary, the quality of the agreement signed and develop the appropriate quality inspection cycle, found in the construction process quality defects The implementation of the implementation of the settlement, and truly quality problems in the dynamic management of quality inspection within. In strict accordance with national norms, standards and household acceptance criteria for the construction, the quality of the implementation.

  Fourth, cost control and project advance payment

  1. Cost control

  1) material control: the construction of the early preparation of a detailed construction budget and material consumption plan, in the construction process according to site conditions changes, design changes, negotiation and other factors gradually improve. The construction team with the task list to receive materials, materials, out of the library has a detailed record. To ensure the normal supply of materials in the circumstances, to eliminate waste.

  2) the use of new technology, reduce labor, improve efficiency to increase efficiency (combined with the actual situation on the site may be).

  2. Project advance payment

  And xxx Group Co., Ltd. signed a construction contract in the terms of the project advances, the construction unit there arrears and delays, which makes the smooth progress of the project have also been affected, in view of this issue on-site managers to fully do a good job under the premise of engineering work to ensure, Party A to do a good job when the communication, to ensure that the payment of funds for the company to do the most effective back-up guarantee.

  With the contract team signed a labor contract, we have never had arrears in accordance with the contract, with occasional delays, the scene also do a good job to appease the work to ensure that the final so that migrant workers safe and secure the work, happily home.

  Looking back at this year's work there is growth and lack of clear analysis of their work in the shortcomings and advantages of understanding the gap, to accept the lessons learned in the future work to avoid weaknesses, improve and improve the construction method, which is a valuable asset for future work . Gradually improve their views and consciousness, and continuously improve the professional quality and level, strengthen the sense of responsibility, cultivate love and dedication, people-oriented, strengthen management and enhance team spirit. Let us Engineering Department of the results of the identification of "brilliant Zheng Tong, show iron army style."


  As a graduating student this year, I am honored to join this company, and today my probationary period has been over 3 months, and in the past three months, I initially worried about graduating as a new member of societyStudents can not get along well with people, how to do their own work, but in this company, where the leadership, where my colleagues gave me great help in the company harmonious working atmosphere, solidarity in the corporate culture , So I am very easy to change from a student into a qualified social professional. Thank you, colleagues and leadership here.

  Since joining the company in September of this year, my practical work experience is basically zero, only the theoretical knowledge of the school professor, when I first came into contact with the supervision work, I was not surprised, because the actual work and There is a big difference between the textbooks. I have been very confused, but some of my colleagues under the guidance of patience, I quickly adapted to the site of the work environment, but also understand the work of a project supervisor responsibilities.

  In the work of the site supervision, I am strict with myself, do not let any details of the project, so that everything must personally check the principle of access to the company colleagues and leaders of the recognition, but also access to the construction unit recognition, Professional knowledge and practical aspects of the work, the problems encountered, humbly ask colleagues to continue to enrich themselves, to contribute to the company.

  In the supervision of the work, as a new graduate into the community, there are a lot of small difference, these experiences make me continue to grow, in dealing with various problems at the same time, so that their knowledge of the surface continue to expand, Consider the issue more comprehensive, to avoid the same problem in the future. I would like to thank my colleagues who have contributed to the mistakes and reminders and guidance of my work.

  After three months of work, I now have to be able to independently deal with some of the engineering problems, the normative work drawings are also very familiar with, you can draw their own drawings and analysis drawings.Make judgment on the engineering procedure. Of course, I have a lot of problems, in dealing with the relationship between the construction unit needs to be further improved, the group cooperation is relatively poor, need to work in the future to further improve their ability.

  After three months of work, I am in this company to work pride and pride, more hope to become a member of the company, to achieve their goals in life, reflect their value in life. I will be humble attitude and full of enthusiasm to do my own work for the company to create value, with the company to show a better future!


  Unconsciously, 20xx years has been in the mature and confused intertwined, quietly passed. In my eyes, the design room is also a no smoke of the battlefield, it can temper people's will, indifferent to the soul, the quality of business can be rapidly improved, people can quickly mature the psychological, which all condensed with each leader English name decision and correct guidance.

  End of the year when the end of the year, people are always lamenting the life of the waste, look back and look forward to two eternal theme will be unchanged. Here I will from the quality of business, external communication and internal cooperation in two major aspects to analyze their gains and losses over the past year.

  As a professional architectural design staff, the improvement of business ability is the most important.

  20xx years of six months, drawing through a large number of construction drawings, architectural design of the process, methods have a deeper understanding of the building code also has a certain understanding. At the beginning of this year, I set myself the goal of having the ability to operate a general project independently, including its overall planning, program design, renderings, and post-construction drawings. Ability comes from practice, practice test ability; in the fourth quarter, I follow their established goals step by step to come down to earth, some may be achieved, and some may be away from the target there is a certain gap, specifically in the following aspects.

  First, the overall planning capacity:

  20xx in the second half of the year, through a residential district of Pixian total planning, Nanchong a fund-raising room of the total flat design, Zhengxing a commercial center of the total flat adjustment and a downtown commercial and residential area of the overall plan, The knowledge has a more profound understanding, have a certain ability. In order to facilitate communication with Party A, I strive to learn more about the real estate development trends and trends, intentions speculation developers business purposes, and strive to find the perfect combination of designers and developers point. As a designer, mainly through the national norms and the local government departments to determine the volume rate, building density, green rate, building height and spacing to macro control; Secondly, the basic column network to determine the fire channel and residential road network through building Style selection is also a mature designer must be skilled to solve several problems. I pay special attention to these issues at work, and properly handle the problems encountered on the modest leadership and senior experts to consult, and achieved good results, and accumulated a lot of valuable experience.

  Second, the performance of the map:

  The effect diagram as a means of expression, is the most intuitive expression of architectural design work, which determines the overall style of the building, but also decided to choose the package of developers a very important reason, so I think the performance of the performance of architectural design The early very important components also make me a basic skill that must be mastered. Over the past year, through the garrison of the guest house, a building attached to flyovers, forgetting Valley Hotel and a villa renderings renderings, I am able to master the 3dmax, ps / 'target = blanks> photoshop and other design software to be Their understanding of the building form, to make the general effect of single map, for large commercial buildings and the production of bird's eye view of the plot is still lacking, but also the need for continuous learning and practice.

  Third, the program capacity:

  Program capability is a building architect must be an important ability. Good plan directly with the application of the building, the economy, the three basic elements of beauty linked. Over the past year, I participated in most of the company's project plan design, Guihu Garden, Yiran Habitat, bamboo Yun Court and other graphic design, I follow the design team leaders access to information, field trips, Humbly ask, the successful completion of the established task. During this period, by the leadership of the trust, I also independently completed the garrison area hostel, a Shuangpin villas and department stores, bamboo Yun Court 1,2 # floor flat elevation design. In the layout of the planar column network, I first arranged according to their own ideas about the structure of the column network, and then ask the structure of my colleagues to help check whether reasonable, invisible, I enhanced the concept of structure, enrich the expertise. In the process of independent design, I found a lot of shortcomings, especially the grasp of the program is still the lack of basic theoretical understanding, which are in the future work must be the first to strengthen.



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