
时间:2023-05-24 13:34:30 作者:会员上传


  I have been to work since xxx, has engaged in technical, production manager, marketing manager, production vice president, director and other post production work, familiar with the manufacturing enterprises of production planning, logistics management and control process to control a certain amount of manufacturing Technology and equipment knowledge, and work in the long-term accumulated valuable technical, production, logistics, quality management, manufacturing process on the set, on-site planning to have a more solid foundation. I have excellent leadership and team work spirit and extensive knowledge, adaptable, good at thinking and innovation. Familiar with the ISO9001 system can efficiently run, familiar with ERP system operation procedures, to the preparation and implementation of the operation of various departments to develop enterprise management system processes and can be skilled in using quality management system and the transformation of production systems to manage the enterprise. Sincerely hope we can have opportunities to cooperate with you and seek common development.


  As a company CNC machine tool operator, the company's quality policy, environmental policy, the following understanding: Quality is the life. First of all, in accordance with the safety equipment operating procedures correct operation of the equipment; to ensure safe operation of equipment under the premise of "three good, four will"; Second, through learning, mastering and even proficient processing equipment range, ability to play equipment Performance, in accordance with the established processing technology (preparation of a reasonable processing), to meet the requirements of the drawings of parts, and inspection. The amount of consideration, mainly in the process of reasonable, auxiliary working hours, as well as personal familiar with the operation and develop good working habits. Such as the company requires the placement management is very important. In short, the quality and quantity is the company's quality policy to achieve the most basic guarantee, and quality of the various aspects of quality-related, is to contain the quality of corporate or corporate culture, quality means Seiko.


  I cheerful personality, stable, vibrant, warm and others, in good faith. A serious and responsible work, take the initiative to hard-working. Strong organizational capabilities, hands-on practical ability and collaborative spirit of the group, quickly adapt to the environment and integration of them.

  Sincere, introverted, focused; self-learning ability, the new knowledge and new technology to maintain a strong interest in learning, the ability to accept new things more; a strong sense of responsibility can be hard, has a strong teamwork and communication skills; more strong resistance capacity, the capacity of self-restraint and adaptability; using C, VB, SQL SERVER, PLC, WINCC done and technology tools such as the actual project, has a certain practical development experience.


  1.Completed all the courses in the specialized field, obtaining good command of theoretic knowledge and experimental and DIY skill; Very adaptable and Good at leaning.

  2.Having played a couple important roles in the student organizations, honing the interpersonal communication skills and organizational capability.

  3.Easy-going and congenial, with a strong sense of responsibility and good team-spirit.

  4.Having a wide range of hobbies, including oral English, music, movies and literature .

  5.Fluent in oral English , with fairly good of reading and writing ability; Speaking authentic Mandarin-Chinese.

  6.Good command of Computer skills: familiar with different versions of Windows OS and Office application software, able to program with C and Fortran languages, obtained some experience and understanding about other widely-used software like Autocad, Photoshop, Coreldraw and Dreamweaver.个人年度英文自我评价1

  I have been to work since xxx, has engaged in technical, production manager, marketing manager, production vice president, director and other post production work, familiar with the manufacturing enterprises of production planning, logistics management and control process to control a certain amount of manufacturing Technology and equipment knowledge, and work in the long-term accumulated valuable technical, production, logistics, quality management, manufacturing process on the set, on-site planning to have a more solid foundation. I have excellent leadership and team work spirit and extensive knowledge, adaptable, good at thinking and innovation. Familiar with the ISO9001 system can efficiently run, familiar with ERP system operation procedures, to the preparation and implementation of the operation of various departments to develop enterprise management system processes and can be skilled in using quality management system and the transformation of production systems to manage the enterprise. Sincerely hope we can have opportunities to cooperate with you and seek common development.


  As a company CNC machine tool operator, the company's quality policy, environmental policy, the following understanding: Quality is the life. First of all, in accordance with the safety equipment operating procedures correct operation of the equipment; to ensure safe operation of equipment under the premise of "three good, four will"; Second, through learning, mastering and even proficient processing equipment range, ability to play equipment Performance, in accordance with the established processing technology (preparation of a reasonable processing), to meet the requirements of the drawings of parts, and inspection. The amount of consideration, mainly in the process of reasonable, auxiliary working hours, as well as personal familiar with the operation and develop good working habits. Such as the company requires the placement management is very important. In short, the quality and quantity is the company's quality policy to achieve the most basic guarantee, and quality of the various aspects of quality-related, is to contain the quality of corporate or corporate culture, quality means Seiko.


  I cheerful personality, stable, vibrant, warm and others, in good faith. A serious and responsible work, take the initiative to hard-working. Strong organizational capabilities, hands-on practical ability and collaborative spirit of the group, quickly adapt to the environment and integration of them.

  Sincere, introverted, focused; self-learning ability, the new knowledge and new technology to maintain a strong interest in learning, the ability to accept new things more; a strong sense of responsibility can be hard, has a strong teamwork and communication skills; more strong resistance capacity, the capacity of self-restraint and adaptability; using C, VB, SQL SERVER, PLC, WINCC done and technology tools such as the actual project, has a certain practical development experience.


  1.Completed all the courses in the specialized field, obtaining good command of theoretic knowledge and experimental and DIY skill; Very adaptable and Good at leaning.

  2.Having played a couple important roles in the student organizations, honing the interpersonal communication skills and organizational capability.

  3.Easy-going and congenial, with a strong sense of responsibility and good team-spirit.

  4.Having a wide range of hobbies, including oral English, music, movies and literature .

  5.Fluent in oral English , with fairly good of reading and writing ability; Speaking authentic Mandarin-Chinese.

  6.Good command of Computer skills: familiar with different versions of Windows OS and Office application software, able to program with C and Fortran languages, obtained some experience and understanding about other widely-used software like Autocad, Photoshop, Coreldraw and Dreamweaver.



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