
时间:2023-05-24 16:01:41 作者:会员上传

  I believe that the eyes of the windows of the soul, like to communicate with people, especially eye contact, listen to patience is the basic performance of others. During my stay at the University, I was the Minister of the Department of Community Outreach and the Minister of External Relations of the Youth League of the College. I learned a lot of ways and means of communication with people, and made use of leisure time part-time, operator, promoters, tutors and other sales-related Work, I hope this summer will have the opportunity to study your company, and can become a regular staff for your company effectiveness.

  1. I have engaged in commercial real estate work for more than 2 years to a number of well-known property transactions. One lease are: China Shipping Plaza, the World Financial Center, Fortune Center, Ping An International Financial Center. Trading: Henderson Center, Guanghua Chang'an, Tianyuan Port Center, and so on.

  2. In addition, I am familiar with a number of shopping district (CBD, Financial Street), basically the location of the customer demand can be familiar.

  3. Commercial real estate trading and leasing transaction process I know, there are a number of transaction cases.

  4. I am hardworking, have a certain work experience, subject to company arrangements, at work, strong sense of responsibility, strong adaptability, attitude, enthusiasm, careful coordination and communication skills, good communication, with a certain leadership ; In character, honesty and trustworthiness, loyalty, kindness, modesty, optimism; in the business, with a comprehensive business processing and good professional judgment, good at organizing staff management, analysis of the problem.



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