
时间:2023-05-24 11:07:44 作者:会员上传



  I xxxx years in the xx university veterinary professional graduation, dating back four years, as a xx District Animal Husbandry and Fishery Bureau xx animal husbandry and aquaculture station staff, animal husbandry and veterinary work have some experience and knowledge, the following on this A few years of work to do an identification for their future development path to be a reference. The implementation of compulsory animal immunization to ensure xx regional immunization coverage rate of 100%. In the avian flu during a better quality to complete the task, by the praise of the upper xxxx and local people's trust, and was xx television as a typical interview. Conform to the situation of positive reform. According to the instructions of the higher authorities, in xxxx years the earliest implementation of the effectiveness of wages and contract system, enhance the positive economic income of workers. Signed an agreement with the Bureau of Animal Science and Technology Center, responsible for xx surrounding township pig improvement work, the use of artificial insemination to lead the breeding market to science and technology standardization.Actively implement the immunization registration card system and immunization file system, so that I stand after the work rules to follow.Promote epidemic prevention, quarantine and treatment of three work carried out. Fine picking purchase channels, quality and cheap to win.Home to provide convenient service card, and farmers to actively communicate, timely communication, in-depth publicity and technical services, change the old image and improve competitiveness. With the rapid economic development, with the environmental damage has continued to evolve into a disease broadcast, as a veterinary surgeon, will continue to work in the future, continuous in-depth research and progress.


  I xxxx years in the xx university veterinary professional graduation, dating back four years, as a xx District Animal Husbandry and Fishery Bureau xx animal husbandry and aquaculture station staff, animal husbandry and veterinary work have some experience and knowledge, the following on this A few years of work to do a personal self-identification, for their future development path to be a reference.

  The implementation of compulsory animal immunization to ensure xx regional immunization coverage rate of 100%. In the avian flu during a better quality to complete the task, by the praise of the upper xxxx and local people's trust, and was xx television as a typical interview.

  Conform to the situation of positive reform. According to the instructions of the higher authorities, in xxxx years the earliest implementation of the effectiveness of wages and contract system, enhance the positive economic income of workers.

  Signed an agreement with the Bureau of Animal Science and Technology Center, responsible for xx surrounding township pig improvement work, the use of artificial insemination to lead the breeding market to science and technology standardization.

  Actively implement the immunization registration card system and immunization file system, so that I stand after the work rules to follow.Promote epidemic prevention, quarantine and treatment of three work carried out.

  Fine picking purchase channels, quality and cheap to win. Home to provide convenient service card, and farmers to actively communicate, timely communication, in-depth publicity and technical services, change the old image and improve competitiveness.

  With the rapid economic development, with the environmental damage has continued to evolve into a disease broadcast, as a veterinary surgeon, will continue to work in the future, continuous in-depth research and progress.


  Animal husbandry and veterinary work is a highly technical work, to do this work must have a lot of theoretical knowledge and rich practical experience, in the years of work I have been seizing the spare time to learn, read and familiar with the relevant professional knowledge, andThe use of the theoretical knowledge of the practice in the work, has accumulated a certain amount of work experience, the business level continues to increase. Often participate in the higher level organization of business training, and have passed the examination. 20xx and 20xx for two consecutive annual assessment by the County Animal Husbandry Bureau, County Bureau of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry as excellent times.

  Over the years I have been engaged in animal husbandry and veterinary work at the grassroots level, in all aspects of work have been training and improvement, coupled with long-term professional knowledge learning and business training, I have a more systematic theoretical knowledge and professional skills, The operation skills, has accumulated a wealth of work experience in the technical business level, management capacity and adaptability, and other areas have reached a certain height. In the future work, I will be more hard to learn, and strive to raise the level of professional and technical, creative work, better serve the masses of the people wholeheartedly.





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