
时间:2023-05-23 23:44:08 作者:会员上传



  Personal Information

  Name?eric zou

  Gender: MALE

  Date of Birth: 1971-6-20

  Residency: SHANGHAI

  Work Experience: >10 years

  Address: GuDai Road

  Zip Code: 201102

  Mobile: 139*********

  Home Tel: 086-021-********


  Current Salary: **********RMB /Year

  Career Objective

  I have 10 years work experience in sales and at least 8 years experience in a managerial position in a fast-paced growth environment. I deeply understand the Chinese market and realities. I have full of experience in marketing?sales?distributor manager, and have strong leadership capabilities, able to manage a large sales team. I have strong work responsibility and can travel frequently.

  Work Experience

  2005/03--Present?HengTai Consumables Group Shanghai HengLian trade co.,ltd

  Position: Sales center Sales Manager of Center

  Responsibility of

  1. Constitute the sales strategic and sales plan follow the company’s strategic and policy, and achieve target sales goals.

  2. Management the 28 distributors in the national, participate in the important sales project, exploit the important customer relationship and industry cooperation.

  3. Constitute the sales management system and flow system, exploit the sales market, increase the market rate.

  4. Manage sales team, distribute the sales task, enhance the capacity of mid-managers and the whole team.

  5. Manage the sales budget and distribute the sales resource rationally.

  Outstanding achievement

  The total sale of this company is 6.8 million in 2004, and increased to 16.8million in total 2005 after I join this company.

  2003/06--2004/12?Shanghai Brightdairy

  Position: Regional Sales Manager

  Responsibility of

  1. Constitute the sales strategic and sales plan follow the company’s strategic and achieve target sales goals.

  2. Operation and management the whole WuXi filiale:

  Accomplish the sales task and manage the distributors;

  Constitute sales promotion plan and supervise performance?

  Team recruit?Training and evaluating?

  Management the HR?admin?account?sales?logistic?storage Dept and so on.

  Outstanding achievement

  1. Over 6million sales per month and 100million per year during my hold a post.

  2. The sales in the first quarter increased 44% after I join the company, and I gained the especially premium twice by CEO.

  1995/12--2000/07?Shanghai Goodfoods Company

  Position: Sales Supervisor

  Responsibility of?

  1. Manage the sales of “LONGFENG” freeze foods in 4 regionals: hongkou?uangpu?zhabei?yangpu.

  2. Manage the most important 9 distributorsz.



  Educate training background

  On September 1, 2001 to July 1, 2005 Tienjin college of commerce market marketing bachelors degree

  Occupation technical ability

  The English profession hear stronger English of the ability of read and write six classes

  Usage and maintenance of the calculator database the nation be second class

  The secretary has the technical ability of secretary, assistant, masterly applied transact a software nation x-rated

  Evaluate by ones own

  1, more abundant advertisement plan, carry out and market marketing experience

  2, stronger study ability

  3, excellent organization, moderate and communicate ability

  The work experience

  On August 2, 2005 up to now:The sea Er whole kitchen department advertisement department

  Advertisement plan manager national and large activity, start practice of plan, performance

  Be responsible for shop front to manage a work everyday to April, 2005 true store of Wei Si long assistant in November, 2004

  On September 1, 2000 to July 1, 2004:College of commerce market marketing knowledge in the Tienjin study

  Item experience

  March, 2006:The sea Er exhibition in kitchen Hangzhou will be responsible for the cloth exhibition of the spot and join the exhibition of related affair

  The responsibility describe:The item participates a person

  The customer evaluate:Good

  March, 2006:The national monopoly store green experiences personally a large ctivity plan a performance

  The responsibility describe:The representative director of the item

  The customer evaluate:Good

  April, 2006:The sea Er whole kitchen Qingdao Dun turns road flagship a store to start practice the plan and performance of project

  The responsibility describe:The item participates a person

  The customer evaluate:Good

  May, 2006:The whole country is green universal storm the large ctivity plan carry out

  The responsibility describe:The representative director of the item

  The customer evaluate:Good

  June, 2006:The national world cup Jing guesses the plan and performance of activity

  The responsibility describe:The representative director of the item

  The customer evaluate:Good

  July, 2006:Join the exhibition of the sea Er whole green Bo meeting in kitchen Qingdao

  The responsibility describe:The representative director of the item

  The customer evaluate:Excellent

  July, 2006:The plan performance of the sea Er whole ice great salon activity of"summer cool" of the road flagship store of kitchen Fuzhou

  The responsibility describe:The representative director of the item

  The customer evaluate:Good

  August, 2006:The whole kitchen of the "international sail boat match in the Qingdao" sea Er join the exhibition

  The responsibility describe:The representative director of the item

  The customer evaluate:Good

  September, 2006:The plan performance of "the soufun house resides 100 webmaster of net line in Qingdao" activity

  The responsibility describe:The representative director of the item

  The customer evaluate:Excellent

  September, 2006:The sea Er whole news conference of kitchen Peking

  The responsibility describe:The item participates a person

  The customer evaluate:Excellent

  October, 2006:The sea Er whole arched bridge road flagship store of kitchen Shanghai starts practice a plan performance

  The responsibility describe:The item participates a person

  The customer evaluate:Good

  October, 2006:The national middle-class family kitchen appears on market the plan performance of activity

  The responsibility describe:The representative director of the item

  The customer evaluate:Good

  December, 2006:Nanking zero formaldehydes appear on market the plan and performance of activity

  The responsibility describe:The item participates a person

  The customer evaluate:Good

  January, 2007:The plan which reside the profession sea south forum of Bo Ao in the Chinese house

  The responsibility describe:The item participates a person

  The customer evaluate:Good

  April, 2007:Zero formaldehyde kitchens in the Qingdao, Shanghai appear on market an activity

  The responsibility describe:The representative director xxxxx

  The customer evaluate:Excellent

  Other elucidation

  Compare stronger organization coordination ability and the team cooperation spirit, reaction nimble, diligent, vivid contingency.Be good at communicating with person, study ability strong.http://www.jianli-sky.com/



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