
时间:2023-05-23 22:50:00 作者:会员上传


Name:cjzwGender:male  Age:***Phone  :   Degree:Bachelorprofessional :Banking Work experience : 6yearsPeople race :Han The graduate school :*** address :***E-mail :www.cjzw.cnSelf  Assessment :
Character cheerful, work conscientiously, has the rich experience.Target Job :
Desired Job Category:Financial Manager | Accounting Manager/Supervisor | Financial Analysis Manager/Supervisor | Auditing Manager/Supervisor | President/Managing Director AssistantDesired Job Industry:Transportation/Logistics | Automobile | Energy/Water Resource | Real Estate Development/Construction and Engineering | TelecommunicationsDesired Salary:NegotiableDesired City:***I can start from:from 1 to 3 monthsWork experience :
2007.5-2009.9*** ***car***Services Ltd
Finance Director/Manager
Responsibilities and Achievements:
1. original documents, accounting documents of the audit, the manufacturers statements.
2.*** establishment of foreign shareholders. Comprise the balance sheet, profit and loss statement, cash flow statement, the aging analysis of current funds, and other related Business Analysis Report .
3.*** assist the Director of Accounts and constantly optimize the flow and deal with other relevant internal flow. Familiar with the automotive distribution industry flow of new car sales, auto repair flow, such as insurance claims.
4.Auditing and Analysis of costing.
5.UFO system software in the preparation of the Report template. Report, including manufacturers, operators, etc. Analysis Report.2004.12-2007.5*** Technology . Ltd.
Finance Director/Manager
Responsibilities and Achievements:
The company is ***-invested enterprises in***, ***, ***, ***, have affiliated companies in Europe. Main IC, package material, such as Electronics, ***, the company's sales performance near billions of years. During my job duties are as follows:
1.Certificate in English and Chinese accounting audit, Report of the merger and analysis; Department examination related to the preparation of the Report(Including the department of performance, cost performance, profit performance, management performance quantified statements)
2.Claims and liabilities related to the work of clearing arrangements and audit of funds between affiliated companies review the overall management and control of funds and scheduling and so on. Retaining cash flow balance and the rational utilization of capital stock to ensure the reasonableness of the effect of maximizing the utilization of capital .
3.***assist organizations in the company's annual financial budget. Including profit budget, production budget, cost estimates, the cost of the department budget. 
4.*** assist the accounting firm to carry out the internal annual audit, including the internal flow of the system of audit, accounts of the various subjects flow matching, accuracy, and reasonable legal review.Education :
Major Category:



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