Oscar Wilde英文简介

时间:2023-05-23 13:22:53 作者:会员上传

  奥斯卡·王尔德,是最伟大的作家与艺术家之一,唯美主义代表人物,下面是范文大全小编给大家整理的Oscar Wilde英文简介,供大家参阅!

oscar wilde简介

  Oscar Wilde (1854 ~ 1900), born in the 19th century in the UK (in the case of Ireland, but then ruled by the British.) One of the greatest writers and artists, with his plays, poetry, fairy tales and fiction famous. Aestheticist figures, the main body of the aesthetic movement of the 1880s and the pioneers of the 90's decadent movement.

oscar wilde人物生平

  Wilde was born in Dublin, Ireland, a family of outstanding family, is the second son of the family. His father, Sir William Wilde, was a surgeon whose mother was a poet and writer.

  In 1864, Oscar Wilde was at the Royal College of Putuo in the house of Ennis, and was not particularly popular among the boys. During school, he loves flowers, sunset and Greek literature. Although the teacher was often dismissed as lazy, but he was in the last year of this school is still on behalf of classical literature achievements of the best honor of the Toro Gold Medal.

  In 1871, the Dublin Trinity College Scholarship was awarded at the age of 17. He met Professor Mahaffi at this school, and the professor had a considerable influence on Wilde's life. Many years later, he recalled that Mahafir was "a very talkative person, an artist who was good at using eloquence and vivid words.

  After graduating from Trinity College in Dublin, Wilde received a full scholarship from the University of Oxford at Magdalen College in 1874. In Oxford, Wilde was influenced by Walter Pate and John Raskin's aesthetic ideas and touched on the New Hegelian philosophy, Darwinian theory of evolution and the pre-Raphaelite work, which became a pioneer of his aestheticism The writer established the direction. After the publication of the first "poem", he began to emerge in the literary world, and came to London development. Although the young Wilde has not yet received a literary award, but the clothing eye-catching, talk wit, maverick in London social circles have been a minor celebrity, some magazines and even published his satirical article.

  In 1875, Wilde traveled to Italy during the summer vacation and wrote one of the early poems "San Miniato", "San Miniato"), but this poem was published only a few years later. In 1877, Oscar Wilde and the other two young people to accompany Mahafhe to Greece to travel, for the Greek natural landscape and exquisite buildings dumped, so linger, delayed class. After returning to Oxford, he was fined £ 45 by the school and the following year was fine for his academic excellence. In 1878, Oscar Wilde in the last year of Oxford in the last year is extremely beautiful, not only academic performance among the best, but also to poetry "La Fenner" to win a school poetry competition. The winning poems were financed by the school and became the first published works by Oscar Wilde. Wilde moved from Oxford to London, claiming to be a professor of aestheticism. In 1880, at this time Wilde has been cut out in the London social circle, "clumsy" magazine began to take his appearance joke. His first play "Vera" in the same year to complete, but no big response, and finally for political reasons did not staged in London. In 1881, by the Gilbert and Sullivan written by the aestheticist humorist "Peas" did not intend to bring a bad reputation for Wilde. Wang Erde poetry published in the same year, may be poet at their own expense.

  In 1882, Wilde made a wonderful tour in the United States, two years later he and Constance Lloyd (Constance Lloyd) love married, two sons Cyril (Cyril) and Vivian (Vyvyan) also Was born in 1885 and 1886.

  In 1887, Wilde became the executive editor of a women's magazine called "Women's World" (formerly known as "Lady of the World", Oscar Wilde's renamed), and published some of his novels, comments and poems in magazines. Wilde's works are famous for their rhetoric and beauty. In May 1888, published "Happy Prince and other stories". June 20, 1890, in the newspaper serial novel "Dorian Gray's portrait", lay the status of decadent artists. His first novel, The Portrait of Dorian Gray, was published in 1891. The opportunity for the creation of the novel was due to the fact that Wilde had visited a famous painter, and the male model of the painter was so young and beautiful. Sigh: "Unfortunately, such a beautiful creature, or a day of aging." The painter replied: Yes ah, if you can make the painting he replaced him like old. Later, Wilde created the novel "The Portrait of Dawn Gray", and Wilde, in order to thank the painter, named his painter in his name, and then he published the prose "The Soul of Socialism" Both of these works are very successful, but the real success for Wilde is his drama works.It can be said that each of his drama works are warmly welcomed, there is a period of time, London stage actually staged him Three of his works are known as the best comedy works since Sheridan's "rumor school".

  In 1895, Marquess of Queensberry found Lord Alfred Douglas (Nickname "Bosie") and Oscar Wilde for four years and accused of Oscar Wilde and went to Oscar Wilde To the celebrity club to paste the note: "Oscar Oscar Wilde - pretend to be a traitor." Publicly denounced Wilde is a good male "soders" (at that time has not yet born "gay" the term). The allegations made Wilde immediately write to his friend Ross.

  The Marquis of Queensberry is a tyrannical father, and Douglas has been arguing for a long time, and the angry Alfred Douglas called Wilde immediately appealed to the Marquis to corrupt his reputation. As a result, Wilde's appeal failed, and he was told that "committing acts of gross indecency with other men persons". According to the United Kingdom 1855 harsh criminal law amendments Part 11, Wilde was convicted, in Reading and Bentonville prison served two years of hard labor. In the past two years, Wilde stopped the drama creation, wrote the poem in the prison "song of the prison song" and the letter set "abyss Jane." In these two works, his style has changed, it is difficult to find the impact of aestheticism. During his stay in Wilde, his wife Constance and two children changed their name to Holland, moved to Italy, and most of his friends in the social and literary circles were fearless of him. Only a handful of people such as playwright George Bernard Shaw still stand up to maintain him.

  On May 1, 1895, the jury could not agree on Wilde's charges, and a juror agreed to bail Wilde. May 7, was released from prison. May 20, the case the second session. May 25, Wilde because of "serious indecent assault", was sentenced to forced labor for two years, first detained in London Bentonville prison, July 4 transfer to London Wandsworth prison, November 20 was transferred from the 30 miles west of London's Reading prison. On September 24 and November 12 of the year, the court conducted two bankruptcy investigations against Oscar Wilde and declared its bankruptcy.

  Released in 1897, Wilde took to Paris, for the British he was disappointed, no longer have the slightest nostalgia. He had tried to mix with Constance for two children, but Alfred Douglas offered to meet him and said he wanted to rebuild with Wilde, and Wilde chose Douglas. He lived in France during the name of the completion of the "Reading of the song", in 1898 Wilde and Douglas travel to Italy, but the last two still break up, the two together was not as good as the original, after the release of Wilde scenery Then, Douglas began to understand that Wilde was no longer the married and everyone envy of the successful people. But if they had been in love and tired of talking to the far apart, the wayward Douglas had earlier said to Oscar Wilde: "If you are no longer the taller of Oscar, it is no longer interesting.

  In 1900, Wilde finally changed his Catholicism with the help of his friend and his same-sex lover, Robert Robbie Ross, who was the first gay man of Wilde, Rose's temptation led him to the path of homosexuality, when Rose was 17 and Wilde was 32. Although Wilde was later obsessed with Douglas, but for many years he loved Oscar Wilde and gave him help, and Ross's ashes were in his last wish Together). In the same year on November 30 due to meningitis in Paris, Alsa

  (Alsace) died, at the age of 46 years old, only when Ross died with another friend to accompany him. Oscar Wilde in the cemetery of Paris, according to his poetry in the "Sphinx" in the image, carved into a small Sphinx.

  At the end of the twentieth century, after nearly a century later, the British finally gave Wilde a statue of honor. On November 30, 1998, the statue of Oscar Wilde, sculpted by McGee Hamlin, was unveiled at Adelaide Street near Trafalgar Square, London. The statue is titled "Dialogue with Oscar Wilde" and engraved with quotes from Oscar Wilde: "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking At the stars.)

oscar wilde写作特点

  fairy tale

  Although Wilde's tragic fairy tale works regardless of the story is hidden behind the same sex or the opposite sex of the affair, his language used to modify the language of love almost a flashy beauty, but this beauty for the secular love of the ultimate disillusionment and disappearance of the matter , To be able to achieve the perfect only love of Christ and supreme art. As Wilde himself says, "the purpose of art is not simply real, but complex beauty." He presents a tragic story of aestheticism in a unique narrative way, creating an unspeakable beauty.

  Compared to the tragic fate of the Greek tragedy, Shakespearean drama humanist lonely pain, Hemingway's never-ending tragedy heroic spirit, he narrates is the beauty of life and sorrow - the ordinary life of love, the spirit of the world Beauty, and the destruction of the two to the great pain of the human mind, highlighting the divine salvation and fate of Christ. Wilde did not repeat the prince and the princess happy to live a hundred years of cliche, do not express good and good evil evil report of the good wishes, only a kind of indifferent tone to describe the tragedy, with the characters staggered perspective and vision Let the reader hear the long sigh of the fish, the nightingale last life if the hairspring song, the dwarf mourn cry and his heart rupture sound. As an implied author, he has always been silent on the story of the characters, so that Christ's death in the call to become a farewell tragic fate of the best end of the ceremony. He repeatedly inquired about the contradictions and paradoxes that existed in life in an imperfect fairy tale, and fascinated the difficulties and complexities of the real society, showing his perfect and pure pursuit of art, love and life in a tortuous way and using his own works Predicted his unique line of life: walking in the hedonism and sensibility of the edge, swinging between the material and the spirit of love both desire and despair, dying in the lonely converted to the Catholic Church, into the embrace of Christ, and he The tragedy of the characters in general, get his true peace of mind.


  Aestheticism is not only the inheritance and development of romantic poetry, more importantly, its innovation. The most famous slogan of the aesthetic movement is "art for art", which is one of the reasons why this literary movement can develop in the middle and late stages of Victorian Victorian feud. In 1895 Wilde was jailed for the so-called "guilty conscience", even though his inspiration was not affected during his sentence. In a classic work entitled "From Deep", he wrote more than once that "I am a symbol of art and culture in this era," and even muttered in his mouth before his death, Beauty, only the beauty is like this. "

  Wilde's dedication to art, the rebellion and innovation of the practice of traditional poetry, the poem "Riding Prison Songs" is the best embodiment. "Lyon Prison Song" by Oscar Wilde in prison after the start of creation in 1897 and completed in 1898, is his last great poem. The whole poem is divided into six parts, a total of 660 lines, six lines a poem, which he changed the traditional narrative lines, expressed the feelings of other prisoners, especially described the evil university, moral decay and prison system of non-human abuse The This poem is to commemorate the situation of a royal guard soldier who will be hanged for murdering his wife. In this poem, he tried to use the words that could better express his thoughts, seemingly felt and improvised, and in fact included the examination and judgment of the whole society, which was inseparable from his two years of prison life Relationship. In the whole poem, he used the repetitive rhetorical means, the slight syllable changes. In verses 443 and 444, "fear is striding forward in front of us; terror is treading behind us", which increasingly adds to the horrific atmosphere that is creepy. This poetic realistic description of the situation so that readers feel the same, really achieve the purpose of aesthetics.


  Wilde created a lot of work in his life. He is rich in materials, covered a wide range. There are reviews, fairy tale, there is drama. But his novel is only one - "the portrait of Dorian Gray" (1890). In this novel, Wilde in this novel, with rich imagination, bizarre plot, beautiful writing, full of philosophical language, exposing the British high society of spiritual emptiness and moral sink, intertwined with good and evil, beauty and ugliness, soul The tragedy of the destruction of the flesh, the image of the author's own outlook on life, morality and art. This novel, with a unique artistic conception of the visualization of the "art first" theory. The painter Bessel does not create portraits for fame and fortune, because of his pursuit of "beauty" in the process, in the portrait into their own "all effort", so that the portrait has an unusual "beauty" and peculiar vitality. The author through such an arrangement to explain: only the implementation of "art for art and art" to create the works of art can be counted as eternal lofty perfection to the works of art. It is reflected in the "aestheticism", "art for art" and other views, with Marxist-Leninist view of literature and art is certainly not biased, but we should see that this time the intellectuals trying to escape the capitalist system Under the evil of the kind of naive idea, can be considered that this is a negative reaction to the capitalist system.


  Wilde's great achievement in the drama is the language of the dialogue dialogue, and every word is worth considering. Wilde is a brave playwright, his humorous language reveals the decay and chaos of the upper class society. Many famous aphorisms even come from some negative roles, which makes the conversation even more interesting, but also makes the characters more full and true shape. It is the use of rhetorical devices that make Wilde's play meaningful and flourishing.

  For Wilde, contradictory rhetoric fully embodies his witty language style. He uses a pair of semantics, opposite words are used together to express more complex thoughts and feelings or to explain a meaningful philosophy. The magical effect of contradictory rhetoric is to reveal the complex psychological contradictions and philosophy of life in the inner world. "In the" ideal husband ", Mabel Chilton said:" I really like London! This has been fully proved, the whole city is a beautiful fool and outstanding madman. "Muller said she loved London and it was well proved, but her argument was that London was full of beautiful fools and outstanding madmen." Beautiful "," fool "," outstanding "," madman " The contradictory statements reveal Wilde's irony to the upper classes.

  In the fourth act of Mrs. Windermere's fan, when Windermere misunderstood Mrs. Olin and satirical, Mrs. Olin said, "I am in the fourth act of Mrs. Windermere's play. Dear Windermere, the first act of courtesy, after the German character! "(My Dear Wintermiere. Eloquel moarls!) The use of the first rhyme so that Mrs. Olin's answer is decent and humorous, showing her demeanor.

  The comparison is also a technique commonly used by Oscar Wilde. By using the control, Wilde's language is more fluent, the role is more vivid, more prominent. In the final scene of Mrs Windermere's fan, when the Duke of Windermere evaluated his wife, she said to her wife, "My dear, you and she belong to two different worlds, there is no evil in your world." Replied: "Arthur, do not say that this is our common world, good and evil, evil and innocence, are co-exist." Through the control, a profound reflection of the change of Windermere's attitude reflects the Her thought was mature, her eyes had been evil Lady Olin helped her, to prevent her elope with the lover and to maintain her original perfect marriage, after all this, she no longer with simple good and evil to look at this world, but To treat yourself with others in an inclusive manner.







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