
时间:2023-05-23 13:15:54 作者:会员上传

  Every year, I see resumes from students who try to "stretch the truth" in order to sound more desirable on paper. Resume inflation. This lack of honesty, when discovered, becomes an instant knockout factor which disqualifies that person from further consideration. Corporate recruiters are paid to screen people out, and the quickest and surest way to do so is when a "white lie" (it is still a lie, white or black) or exaggeration is found.

  A recent graduate attempted to show experience in a computer language by placing it on his resume. It generated calls, but it also generated rejection letters when it became apparent that he did not really have a foundational understanding of the language. Doors were shut (very hard, I might add) which could have otherwise been open to him.

  Remember, the resume is not a work of fiction. While it should emphasize the positive, it should never emphasize what does not exist.




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