
时间:2023-05-23 13:14:57 作者:会员上传



  Kang Youwei (1858 - 1927), formerly known as Zuyi, the word Guangsha, No. Chang Su, and Ming Ming Yi, more 甡, Xiqiao mountain people, travel old man, days of the people, Nanhai County, Guangdong Province Dan Chong Su Village people, known as Kang Nanhai, China's late Qing Dynasty important politicians, thinkers, educators, bourgeois reformist representatives. Kang Youwei was born in the feudal bureaucratic family, Guangxu five years (1879) began to contact the Western culture. Guangxu fourteen years (1888), Kang Youwei once again to Beijing to participate in Shuntian township test, took the opportunity to first book the Emperor Guangxu request change law, blocked not up. Guangxu seventeen years (1891) in Guangzhou after the establishment of Wanmu cottage, Shouting lectures. Guangxu twenty-one years (1895) that "Treaty of Shimonoseki" signed, combined with more than 1,300 people on the million words, that is, "bus letter".

  Guangxu twenty-four years (1898) began to reform the Hundred Days, failed after the law fled to Japan, claiming to hold the emperor's clothing and edict, the organization will defend the emperor, advocate open and authoritarian, against the revolution. After the Revolution of 1911, as the leader of the royalist party, he opposed the republic, has been planning Pu Yi reset. In six years (1917), Kang Youwei and Zhang Xun launched a restoration, holding Pu Yi ascended the throne, soon at the time of the Northern Government Prime Minister Duan Qirui under the crusade failed. Kang Youwei always declared loyal to the Qing Dynasty, Pu Yi was Feng Yuxiang expelled from the Forbidden City, he had relatives to Tianjin, Pu Yi to live in the park to visit. In sixteen years (1927) died in Qingdao. Kang Youwei as an active member of the late Qing society, in advocating the reform movement, reflects the direction of history. But later, he and Yuan Shikai became the spiritual leader of the restoration movement.


  Early school

  Xianfeng eight years in February fifth day (March 1958), Kang Youwei was born in Guangdong South China Sea Xiqiao Hill Silver Township, a bureaucratic landlord family. Grandfather Kang Zanxiu, official to Lianzhou discipline; his father Kangda early, official Jiangxi magistrate; from Shuzu Kangguo, nursing Guangxi governor, has participated in the suppression of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom movement. Kang Youwei under the guidance of Kang Zanxiu, Zhu Ciqi, they are pleasing Song Ming Neo-Confucianism, therefore, Kang Youwei in the Ming and Ming Dynasties under the influence of science, despise the so-called sinologist's cumbersome textual research, trying to open up a new path of scholarship. After studying a period of science, they did not agree with Neo-Confucianism. Because Neo-Confucianism only Confucius repair school, unknown Confucius scholarship. Kang Youwei five years old can recite hundreds of poems. At the age of six to follow the simple phoenix to read "University", "Golden Mean", "The Analects of Confucius" and Zhu Xi's "filial piety", Kang Youwei died when his father died, follow his grandfather to accept the strict feudal orthodox education, At this time, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom failed soon, he "frequency read Di report, see Zhaoxiwu, know Zeng Wenzheng, Luo Wenzhong, Zuo Wenxiang industry, and generous have far Chi carry on".

  Tongzhi eleven years (1872), Kang Youwei should not try the boy, it is committed to the imperial examination and eight shares. Tongzhi thirteen years (1874), "see" Ying Huan moment ", the Earth map, known to the country, the earth of reason. Guangxu two years (1876), he should not try the township, follow the study of Zhu Qiqi. Zhu Xianqi teaching heavy four-line five learning: four lines is the line of filial piety, advocating the name of the festival, change temperament, detection of dignitaries; five is the study of literature, literature, applause, sex science, Advocate the economy of the world, not for the useless talk about high talk; "sweep the Han, Song of the portal, and the case of Confucius." Kang Youwei affected by it, "to saints will be expected", "the world must be". But also to study Gu Yanwu, Qian Daxin, Zhao Yi and others on the history of the book, so "arrogant". Guangxu four years (1878), continue to follow Zhu Qiqi reading, studying "Zhou", "ceremony", "elegant", "said the text", "water" note book, and "Songs of the South", "Han Book "," anthology "of the text," wantonly in the book. " Soon, the day buried in the pile of paper, the Mieri Lingming, getting tired, is "closed Xie Youpeng, sit heart." "Meditation suddenly see heaven and earth all things I am one, put a bright light. Since that saints are pleased and laugh, ignoring the common people are muffled and mourn." The country's peril, the real stimulation, made him suspicious of the traditional cultural studies.

  Guangxu five years (1879), began to contact Western culture. Twenty-year-old left that year Zucheng Qi, a person to Xiqiao mountain Baiyun cave study, read a lot of practical use of the book, such as Gu Yanwu's "world gun country disease book", Gu Zuyu's " "Wait. The same year and swim a Hong Kong, so Kang You for an eye-opener. To follow the follow-up to read the "sea map", "Ying ring slightly" and other books, "buy the earth map, gradually learn the book of Western learning, for the West learn the base carry on." This year is Kang Youwei from middle school to an important beginning of Western learning. Guangxu eight years (1882), Kang Youwei to Beijing to participate in the test, the return of Shanghai, further access to the capitalist things, and collected a lot of capitalist countries to introduce the political system and natural science books. After learning, Kang Youwei gradually recognized the capitalist system, advanced than China's feudal system. Imperialist aggression, the corruption of the Qing Dynasty, so that the young Kang for the chest burning up the fire of the country. Western strong, Kang promising to learn from the West, in order to save the country is in danger. From the West came the evolution of the theory and political views, the initial formation of the reform of the ideological system.

  Changxing lectures

  Guangxu nine years (1883), "buy the" universal publication ", the big attack on the Western learning books, sound, light, chemical, electricity and heavy history and national history, all people travel are involved in Yan. A "do not wrap will be the sketch", the provisions of the people who can not meet, all have been closed and re-put enough to give recognition. Guangxu ten years (1884), the Sino-French War broke out, the two provinces by the French intrusion. Kang Youwei "sense of national hardship, mourning the people," living on the first floor, "the enlightenment days deep, because thousands of thousands of times the microscope, as the lice like round, see ants like, and the size of the same thing. Overlooking the thinking, "day to save the world as a heart, engraved to save the world for things." Guangxu fourteen years (1888), Kang Youwei once again to Beijing to participate in Shuntian township test, took the opportunity to book the first book Emperor Guangxu, ask for change, blocked not up. In September of that year, he came to the book Guangxu emperor, pain Chen Zuguo's peril, criticism of the conservative, requiring reform and reform, put forward the "into law, pass the situation, cautious about" three programmers advocate.

  Guangxu seventeen years (1891), Kang Youwei for Chen Chenqiu, Liang Qichao please, in Guangzhou Changxing Li Wanmu cottage began to give lectures. The main content of the lecture is "China's thousands of years of academic origin, history and political evolution gains and losses, take the proportion of public law inference," "made the righteousness of the righteousness, and speak of China and foreign countries, save the law of China." And create theory for the reform movement. Has written a "new study by the false test" and "Confucius restructuring test" two books, these two books are written in the name of the hole under the name. The former book of the feudalists has always believed that the sacred inviolability of certain classics is declared as forged literature. After a book to the conservative side of the Confucius dressed as full of enterprising spirit, to promote democratic ideas, the concept of equality. Kang Youwei of these views, although not scientific, but his spirit of reform in the intellectual world has a strong shock and response, and the feudal stubborn elements constitute a great threat, so the two books by them as heresy heresy. The following year, Kang Youwei to the auditorium moved to Guangzhou Wei Street, Kwong Temple.

  Guangxu nineteen years (1893), still lectures on Wei Street. In the same year the winter, moved to the cottage in the government hall Yang Gao Temple, then Kang Youwei has more than 100 students. Twenty years Guangxu (1894), Kang Youwei began to compile "human axiom" a book, this book has been repaired many times, later named "Datong book" published. "Datong book" depicts the world of all kinds of suffering, put forward Datong society will be selfless, no class, everyone blind date, everyone is equal to the paradise. This is of course absurd. Kang Youwei wrote "Datong book", he did not and could not find a way to reach Datong. After settling the theoretical basis for the reform of the Reform Movement of 1898, Kang Youwei actively carried out the reform practice. In the same year, the Sino-Japanese war broke out, China once again defeat.

  Brewing reform

  Guangxu twenty-one years (1895) March 23, the Qing court and Japan signed the humiliation of the "Treaty of Shimonoseki", carve up the crisis is imminent. Kang Youwei to take advantage of the opportunity to take the Beijing examination, the joint provinces should pay more than 1,300 people, in the beginning of April 8 (May 2) joint petition, launched the "bus book." In the "bus on the book", the request refused to, and moved the capital, training, reform, put forward the "under the drum of the world of gas", "moved the world of the world", "training strong world", " "And other reformists to save the country program. That the reform focuses on rich countries, raising people and teaching people three aspects. The construction of the machine, the boat, reward new manufacturing, and the development of the company, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, , The protection of private industry; four, mining, set up mineral science, please Belgians teach survey, elected governor, do not abuse private; five, cast silver, the provinces set up cast silver bureau to plug leakage; six, postal, post office The There are four law: one, farming; two, to persuade workers; three, Hui business; four, poor fishing The rule of the people of the teachings of the school for the separation, the opening of the newspaper, to "guide the fool, factions and teach the heresy." This is Kang Youwei's second letter, but also the reformist officially boarded the first stage of the political arena.

  "Bus on the book" was rejected on behalf of, Emperor Guangxu did not see. Soon the list, Kang Youwei in the Jinshi, grant the main ministry. Kang Youwei and in the same year on May 6th presented the "Shang emperor third book", put forward the steps of the law, pointed out that there are four strong anti-shining policy: that is, enriching the people, raising people, priests, training, and how to commit to the above four Policy, then care about "seeking talent and not pull out", "Shen left and wide selection", "pass the situation and its power" three, in order to "talent was, about Yin, under the matter." This time the book by the courtyard on behalf of the emperor, Emperor Guangxu first read his letter. Then, he again on the "fourth book", once again called "respect for the Xian and Shang Gong, Baomin and pro-", so that "mercy will pass, there will be used," and formally put forward the " Of the assertion, but was rejected by diehards. Kang Youwei in the continuous book Emperor Guangxu to fight for the top-down political reform at the same time, and "day to meet the meaning of the comrades", that "thinking open, open knowledge, non-large group can not", " Non-meeting can not ". (1895) on June 27 was founded in Beijing, "over the scholar elegant", so that "gradually learn the benefits of the new law," "to the meeting "And in early October (mid-November) set up a strong society, also known as the translation of the book, also known as strong school bookstore. Participate in the Institute also Liang Qichao, Chen Chi, Shen Zengzhi, Shen Zengtong, Wen Ting-style, Ding Lijun, Yang Rui, etc., Weng Tonghe also support, strong learn to become a combination of political parties and political parties. After the publication of the "Gazette", it was officially published in the first day of November (December 16). The bicycles, magazines, news and " Each note, not much. Guangxu twenty-one years in December the first six days (January 20, 1896), after the party censor Yang Chong Yi on the sparse impeachment, "please ordered forbidden." Strong Society was changed to the official bookstore, specifically for "translation of national books", are not allowed to talk about the current affairs, not allowed Zang no people, so, "specifically for China's self-reliance," the strong school has been the original. Kang Youwei in Beijing after the launch of the Institute of strong, in the Guangxu twenty-one on August 29 (October 17, 1895) to Beijing, to Nanjing lobbying Zhang Zhidong, in the north and south of the Shanghai set up a strong society, "Above access to the capital, times and in the provinces". October, the Shanghai Institute of the establishment of the Institute, the development of charter, indicating the purpose of the establishment of sound, poly books, speak special, adult talent, help "holy teachings." November 28 (January 12, 1896), published "strong journal" to Confucius years, want to "Tuogu to change this system", propaganda set up a newspaper, advocate reform. Beijing Institute of Defense was impeachment, Shanghai Institute of Society was also banned. Soon, on the basis of the founder of the "current affairs", by Liang Qichao any head, advocated Kang promising reform proposals, keen discussion, novel, at the time of a wide range.

  Twenty-three years Guangxu (1897), Germany occupied Jiaozhou Bay, Kang Youwei again asked to change the law. Before the Reform Movement of 1898, Kang Youwei wrote two monographs on the history of Meiji's reform. One is the "Japanese book blog", the same year by the Shanghai Datong translation book published. The other is found in the National Palace Museum, "Japan change test". According to Japanese scholars, "in the process of collecting and reading Japanese books, he made a lot of changes in the history of the Meiji reform and fabricated, so as to suit the needs of China at that time reform and transformation of these changes and the author of the specific changes proposed by the measures There is a close relationship. "The following year in January, Guangxu emperor ordered the law for the change of law Chen, he was on the" editors should be unified overall ", but also into the book," Japan Meiji political reform test "," "Two books. In April, he and Liang Qichao organized the National Council, called on the country to strengthen the map.

  Wuxu Gangan

  Guangxu twenty-four years (1898) June 16, Emperor Guangxu in the Summer Palace Qin political hall summoned Kang Youwei, appointed him as the Prime Minister Yamen Zhang Jing, quasi-special events, preparation of the law, known as the Reform Movement. At the beginning of the Reform Movement of 1898, under the auspices of Kang Youwei, Emperor Guangxu promoted a series of reforms. Since then, Kang Youwei has made many suggestions on political, economic, military, cultural and educational reform, including the formulation of the Constitution, , Forbidding women to foot up, cut redundant officials, scattered Qing, waste water transport, withdrawal of the pool of gold, cut green camp, put the flag soldiers, waste eight shares test Kay law to take disabilities, change the academy, waste Yin Temple, hope that China has a fundamental change The feudal system can develop the capitalist constitution; requires the protection of industry and commerce, to the appropriate development of China's capitalism; require re-sea and the army to save China's crisis of imperialism carving; require waste science and education, schools to train new talent. At this time, he and Liang Qichao, Tan Sitong, Yang Shenxiu and other active planning of the New Deal.

  During the period of "one hundred days of reform", the struggle between the old and the new is extremely acute, such as the loss of the eight shares, the latter party is obstructed, and the public declared that the jealousy is as enemies, that is, "confusing, confusing the country" Said it "gathered gangsters, to recruit the party feathers", "throughout the words officer, the host country is". Kang Youwei and Censor Song Boluo, Yang Shenxiu and so on to fight back. However, after the party mastered the military power, and Emperor Guangxu only drafted the right of the oracle. In mid-July, after the party Huataibu, Yang Chongyi has to Tianjin to see Ronglu, conspiracy plan coup, overthrow the New Deal. Guangxu emperor has issued two "secret Chao", worried that "this I bit a few not guarantee", and Ming Yu Kang Youwei "quickly to Shanghai, no longer wait and see." August 5 (September 20), Kang Youwei to the south of the next. The next day, Empress Dowager Cixi and then "training", the coup took place.

  During the Reform Movement of 1898, former Japanese Prime Minister Ito Hiroshi visited China. At that time the British missionary Lee Timothy to the reformist leader Kang Youwei proposal, asked the Qing Dynasty to employ Ito as a consultant, or even to pay the power. So, change the law to send officials in Yi Teng arrived in China, have a letter to request re-use Ito, causing conservative officials of the vigilance. Conservative officials Yang Chongyi and even the secret Empress Dowager Cixi: "wind and smell of the East phase of the words of Ito Hiroshi, will dictatorship. Ito fruit, the ancestors of the world, as good as hand over" this intense speech, prompted the Empress Dowager Cixi two Fourteen years (1898) August 4th (September 19) returned from the Summer Palace to the Forbidden City, intended to understand the Emperor Guangxu's view of Ito. However, Ito and Lee Timothy also proposed to Kang Youwei "Sino-US Anglo-Japanese alliance." So, in the mission of Kang Youwei, change the law to send officials Yang Shenxiu in August fifth day (September 20) letter Guangxu emperor: "Chen Youfu wish my emperor as early as the plan, consolidation of Britain, the United States, Japan, 'The name of the bad. "Another change to send officials Song Bailu also on September 21 (August sixth) wrote:" Drainage (Timothy) also came to China, Japan, the United States and the United Kingdom For the Union, a total of access to the affairs of the day, the father of the hundreds of people, specifically the four countries of the military tax and all diplomacy and other things. "As if the Chinese military, finance and taxation, diplomatic power, to the hands of outsiders. Empress Dowager Cixi returned to the Forbidden City, the September 20 to 21 informed of the matter, shocked the situation seriously, only decisive action coup, re-training, the end of the Reform Movement.

  Fled overseas

  Guangxu twenty-four years in August the first seven days (September 21, 1898) morning, the Empress Dowager Cixi announced the "Pro to listen to the government", Emperor Guangxu was under house arrest, Huxiao six gentleman was killed. September 10 (October 24), Kang Youwei through Wusong, Hong Kong arrived in Japan, he published an open letter on the way, said to be "the world of China, this strange change", said the Empress Dowager Cixi as "pseudo-DPRK", said quiet Waste Guangxu emperor as "sinful evil", and "secret Chao" changed channeling cloth, put forward "no power of Xu Jingye, can only effect the package Xu Xu cry", said to "Feng Zhao out for help." Then, Kang Youwei issued "Fengzhao save the text", the first empress of the Empress Dowager Cixi ten, following the Guangxu emperor "diligent love the people, big opening road" and "holy". To explain their own "had to accept the case, the Pianwei new, repeatedly referred to the words of the greenhouse, close to the clothing with the edict," ready to "Fengzhao for help." When he was in Hong Kong, he wanted to "leave to England" and "first to the British Embassy Counselor and the Shanghai Consul, the Governor of Hong Kong, please the power of the British King save." But also see the British Viscount Belle Sihui, "please contribute to save." His disciple Liang Qichao on the way to escape the book Ito Bowen, asked him and the United States and the United States to discuss the opening of the Empress Dowager Cixi "to kill the widowed conspiracy, cross-examination of its prisoners widowed why." Wait for the Japanese, Kang Youwei also invited the Minister of the Ministry of Culture to support the support of the minister; and the letter with the text of the leaders of the Department of Wei Du, said the "clothing with the Chao, Miles to sail, cry blood for help." At this time, the bourgeois revolutionaries Sun Yat-sen, Chen Shaobai also in Japan, "to each other are Buobu, should have the same feeling", to be relatives to condolences, by Dun friendship, Zengto Japanese Miyazaki possession, Pingshan weeks To Kang Youwei to indicate. Kang Youwei said he was entitled "secret Chao", inconvenience and the revolutionaries, refused to cooperate. Sun Yat-sen and through the relationship between the Japanese, the organization of a Sun, Chen, Kang, Liang's talks to discuss cooperation methods, Kang Youwei less than to send representatives of Liang Qichao, did not talk about what the results. Sun Yat-sen complex Chen Shao-white visit, Liang Qichao Chen Zhankang, Chen Shao-white repeated debate to three hours, please Kang Youwei "change course, the common implementation of the great cause of revolution." Kang said: "Today, the holy Ming, there must be a day of restoration. Yu by grace deep, in any case can not forget, only spared no effort to seek troops from the king, off its Ying Ying Taiwan, the other known."

  Guangxu twenty-one years (1895) March 23, the Qing court and Japan signed the humiliation of the "Treaty of Shimonoseki", carve up the crisis is imminent. Kang Youwei to take advantage of the opportunity to take the Beijing examination, the joint provinces should pay more than 1,300 people, in the beginning of April 8 (May 2) joint petition, launched the "bus book." In the "bus on the book", the request refused to, and moved the capital, training, reform, put forward the "under the drum of the world of gas", "moved the world of the world", "training strong world", " "And other reformists to save the country program. That the reform focuses on rich countries, raising people and teaching people three aspects. The construction of the machine, the boat, reward new manufacturing, and the development of the company, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, , The protection of private industry; four, mining, set up mineral science, please Belgians teach survey, elected governor, do not abuse private; five, cast silver, the provinces set up cast silver bureau to plug leakage; six, postal, post office The There are four law: one, farming; two, to persuade workers; three, Hui business; four, poor fishing The rule of the people of the teachings of the school for the separation, the opening of the newspaper, to "guide the fool, factions and teach the heresy." This is Kang Youwei's second letter, but also the reformist officially boarded the first stage of the political arena.

  "Bus on the book" was rejected on behalf of, Emperor Guangxu did not see. Soon the list, Kang Youwei in the Jinshi, grant the main ministry. Kang Youwei and in the same year on May 6th presented the "Shang emperor third book", put forward the steps of the law, pointed out that there are four strong anti-shining policy: that is, enriching the people, raising people, priests, training, and how to commit to the above four Policy, then care about "seeking talent and not pull out", "Shen left and wide selection", "pass the situation and its power" three, in order to "talent was, about Yin, under the matter." This time the book by the courtyard on behalf of the emperor, Emperor Guangxu first read his letter. Then, he again on the "fourth book", once again called "respect for the Xian and Shang Gong, Baomin and pro-", so that "mercy will pass, there will be used," and formally put forward the " Of the assertion, but was rejected by diehards. Kang Youwei in the continuous book Emperor Guangxu to fight for the top-down political reform at the same time, and "day to meet the meaning of the comrades", that "thinking open, open knowledge, non-large group can not", " Non-meeting can not ". (1895) on June 27 was founded in Beijing, "over the scholar elegant", so that "gradually learn the benefits of the new law," "to the meeting "And in early October (mid-November) set up a strong society, also known as the translation of the book, also known as strong school bookstore. Participate in the Institute also Liang Qichao, Chen Chi, Shen Zengzhi, Shen Zengtong, Wen Ting-style, Ding Lijun, Yang Rui, etc., Weng Tonghe also support, strong learn to become a combination of political parties and political parties. After the publication of the "Gazette", it was officially published in the first day of November (December 16). The bicycles, magazines, news and " Each note, not much. Guangxu twenty-one years in December the first six days (January 20, 1896), after the party censor Yang Chong Yi on the sparse impeachment, "please ordered forbidden." Strong Society was changed to the official bookstore, specifically for "translation of national books", are not allowed to talk about the current affairs, not allowed Zang no people, so, "specifically for China's self-reliance," the strong school has been the original. Kang Youwei in Beijing after the launch of the Institute of strong, in the Guangxu twenty-one on August 29 (October 17, 1895) to Beijing, to Nanjing lobbying Zhang Zhidong, in the north and south of the Shanghai set up a strong society, "Above access to the capital, times and in the provinces". October, the Shanghai Institute of the establishment of the Institute, the development of charter, indicating the purpose of the establishment of sound, poly books, speak special, adult talent, help "holy teachings." November 28 (January 12, 1896), published "strong journal" to Confucius years, want to "Tuogu to change this system", propaganda set up a newspaper, advocate reform. Beijing Institute of Defense was impeachment, Shanghai Institute of Society was also banned. Soon, on the basis of the founder of the "current affairs", by Liang Qichao any head, advocated Kang promising reform proposals, keen discussion, novel, at the time of a wide range.

  Twenty-three years Guangxu (1897), Germany occupied Jiaozhou Bay, Kang Youwei again asked to change the law. Before the Reform Movement of 1898, Kang Youwei wrote two monographs on the history of Meiji's reform. One is the "Japanese book blog", the same year by the Shanghai Datong translation book published. The other is found in the National Palace Museum, "Japan change test". According to Japanese scholars, "in the process of collecting and reading Japanese books, he made a lot of changes in the history of the Meiji reform and fabricated, so as to suit the needs of China at that time reform and transformation of these changes and the author of the specific changes proposed by the measures There is a close relationship. "The following year in January, Guangxu emperor ordered the law for the change of law Chen, he was on the" editors should be unified overall ", but also into the book," Japan Meiji political reform test "," "Two books. In April, he and Liang Qichao organized the National Council, called on the country to strengthen the map.

  Wuxu Gangan

  Guangxu twenty-four years (1898) June 16, Emperor Guangxu in the Summer Palace Qin political hall summoned Kang Youwei, appointed him as the Prime Minister Yamen Zhang Jing, quasi-special events, preparation of the law, known as the Reform Movement. At the beginning of the Reform Movement of 1898, under the auspices of Kang Youwei, Emperor Guangxu promoted a series of reforms. Since then, Kang Youwei has made many suggestions on political, economic, military, cultural and educational reform, including the formulation of the Constitution, , Forbidding women to foot up, cut redundant officials, scattered Qing, waste water transport, withdrawal of the pool of gold, cut green camp, put the flag soldiers, waste eight shares test Kay law to take disabilities, change the academy, waste Yin Temple, hope that China has a fundamental change The feudal system can develop the capitalist constitution; requires the protection of industry and commerce, to the appropriate development of China's capitalism; require re-sea and the army to save China's crisis of imperialism carving; require waste science and education, schools to train new talent. At this time, he and Liang Qichao, Tan Sitong, Yang Shenxiu and other active planning of the New Deal.

  During the period of "one hundred days of reform", the struggle between the old and the new is extremely acute, such as the loss of the eight shares, the latter party is obstructed, and the public declared that the jealousy is as enemies, that is, "confusing, confusing the country" Said it "gathered gangsters, to recruit the party feathers", "throughout the words officer, the host country is". Kang Youwei and Censor Song Boluo, Yang Shenxiu and so on to fight back. However, after the party mastered the military power, and Emperor Guangxu only drafted the right of the oracle. In mid-July, after the party Huataibu, Yang Chongyi has to Tianjin to see Ronglu, conspiracy plan coup, overthrow the New Deal. Guangxu emperor has issued two "secret Chao", worried that "this I bit a few not guarantee", and Ming Yu Kang Youwei "quickly to Shanghai, no longer wait and see." August 5 (September 20), Kang Youwei to the south of the next. The next day, Empress Dowager Cixi and then "training", the coup took place.

  During the Reform Movement of 1898, former Japanese Prime Minister Ito Hiroshi visited China. At that time the British missionary Lee Timothy to the reformist leader Kang Youwei proposal, asked the Qing Dynasty to employ Ito as a consultant, or even to pay the power. So, change the law to send officials in Yi Teng arrived in China, have a letter to request re-use Ito, causing conservative officials of the vigilance. Conservative officials Yang Chongyi and even the secret Empress Dowager Cixi: "wind and smell of the East phase of the words of Ito Hiroshi, will dictatorship. Ito fruit, the ancestors of the world, as good as hand over" this intense speech, prompted the Empress Dowager Cixi two Fourteen years (1898) August 4th (September 19) returned from the Summer Palace to the Forbidden City, intended to understand the Emperor Guangxu's view of Ito. However, Ito and Lee Timothy also proposed to Kang Youwei "Sino-US Anglo-Japanese alliance." So, in the mission of Kang Youwei, change the law to send officials Yang Shenxiu in August fifth day (September 20) letter Guangxu emperor: "Chen Youfu wish my emperor as early as the plan, consolidation of Britain, the United States, Japan, 'The name of the bad. "Another change to send officials Song Bailu also on September 21 (August sixth) wrote:" Drainage (Timothy) also came to China, Japan, the United States and the United Kingdom For the Union, a total of access to the affairs of the day, the father of the hundreds of people, specifically the four countries of the military tax and all diplomacy and other things. "As if the Chinese military, finance and taxation, diplomatic power, to the hands of outsiders. Empress Dowager Cixi returned to the Forbidden City, the September 20 to 21 informed of the matter, shocked the situation seriously, only decisive action coup, re-training, the end of the Reform Movement.

  Fled overseas

  Guangxu twenty-four years in August the first seven days (September 21, 1898) morning, the Empress Dowager Cixi announced the "Pro to listen to the government", Emperor Guangxu was under house arrest, Huxiao six gentleman was killed. September 10 (October 24), Kang Youwei through Wusong, Hong Kong arrived in Japan, he published an open letter on the way, said to be "the world of China, this strange change", said the Empress Dowager Cixi as "pseudo-DPRK", said quiet Waste Guangxu emperor as "sinful evil", and "secret Chao" changed channeling cloth, put forward "no power of Xu Jingye, can only effect the package Xu Xu cry", said to "Feng Zhao out for help." Then, Kang Youwei issued "Fengzhao save the text", the first empress of the Empress Dowager Cixi ten, following the Guangxu emperor "diligent love the people, big opening road" and "holy". To explain their own "had to accept the case, the Pianwei new, repeatedly referred to the words of the greenhouse, close to the clothing with the edict," ready to "Fengzhao for help." When he was in Hong Kong, he wanted to "leave to England" and "first to the British Embassy Counselor and the Shanghai Consul, the Governor of Hong Kong, please the power of the British King save." But also see the British Viscount Belle Sihui, "please contribute to save." His disciple Liang Qichao on the way to escape the book Ito Bowen, asked him and the United States and the United States to discuss the opening of the Empress Dowager Cixi "to kill the widowed conspiracy, cross-examination of its prisoners widowed why." Wait for the Japanese, Kang Youwei also invited the Minister of the Ministry of Culture to support the support of the minister; and the letter with the text of the leaders of the Department of Wei Du, said the "clothing with the Chao, Miles to sail, cry blood for help." At this time, the bourgeois revolutionaries Sun Yat-sen, Chen Shaobai also in Japan, "to each other are Buobu, should have the same feeling", to be relatives to condolences, by Dun friendship, Zengto Japanese Miyazaki possession, Pingshan weeks To Kang Youwei to indicate. Kang Youwei said he was entitled "secret Chao", inconvenience and the revolutionaries, refused to cooperate. Sun Yat-sen and through the relationship between the Japanese, the organization of a Sun, Chen, Kang, Liang's talks to discuss cooperation methods, Kang Youwei less than to send representatives of Liang Qichao, did not talk about what the results. Sun Yat-sen complex Chen Shao-white visit, Liang Qichao Chen Zhankang, Chen Shao-white repeated debate to three hours, please Kang Youwei "change course, the common implementation of the great cause of revolution." Kang said: "Today, the holy Ming, there must be a day of restoration. Yu by grace deep, in any case can not forget, only spared no effort to seek troops from the king, off its Ying Ying Taiwan, the other known."





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