
时间:2023-05-23 12:24:54 作者:会员上传



  logistics manager


  ·logistics expert in planning, purchasing and distribution.

  ·my special knowledge in logistics field covers logistics planning,logistics system development,warehousing, transportation, etc.

  ·supplying chain management, investment project handling, iso9000 certification, import and export business.

  ·based on long-term management experience, be able to lead a project team to settle any difficulties with efficient communication and sincere cooperation.


  name: stella li   gender:female   date of birth:august 23th,1970

  martial status:married   email address:

  tel:   mobile phone:


  07/1999 - 12/XX  xxxx china  logistics manager

  ·monitoring and improving national supply chain performance through designing, implementing and analyzing kpi (from totally new design to implementation throughout the company, including inventory turnover, backorder ratio, supply availability, sales forecast reliability, warehouse utilization and other related measurements.

  ·taking a lead in countrywide inventory optimization project.

  ·taking a lead in t&a products purchase, inventory, and distribution planning and logistics operations implementation.

  ·cooperating with the third party logistics service provider to continuously improve the warehousing and transport efficiency.

  01/1998- 07/1999  xx shanghai  manager of logistics

  ·established purchase, production and sales logistics processes based it system.

  ·in charge of daily logistics operation.

  ·in charge of forwarders management and bonded warehousing management.

  ·struggled in optimize the inventory on the supply chain.

  ·cooperated with production dept. to made mrs and bom.

  08/1993 - 01/1998  xxx co. beijing  logistics supervisor

  ·in charge of import contracts and orders management.

  ·in charge of bonded warehousing management.

  ·supervised the performance of freight forwarders and carriers based on cost, delivery and service quality.

  ·in charge of international and domestic purchasing and transportation.

  ·processed all the customs-office-related issues.


  07/1998  beijing university xxx   mba

  01/06/1993  xx trade institute  international trade bachelor

  language: be able to communicate efficiently with colleagues and customers in fluent english, whatever in written, spoken, reading or listening.

  computer: computer software expert in excel and access. familiar with systems like bpcs, scala and related.


  basic cv


  nationality: chinese

  current location: guangzhou national: han

  exit and entry: hainan is: 162 cm 47 kg

  marital status: single age: 27 years old

  training certification: integrity badge:

  job search intention and work experience

  personnel types: ordinary job

  position: construction / real estate / property management categories: administrative clerical, sales administrative / personnel type of administrative assistant, clerical assistant sales of other types of business with a single

  work experience: 4 title: junior

  job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time

  monthly requirements: 1500 - XX hope that the working area: guangzhou, shenzhen

  personal experience: XX.8-XX.9 lee & man paper co., ltd. hainan assistant (with one) seeking to develop

  great south east home XX.10-XX.4 chief secretary transferred

  great south east home XX.5-XX.10 sales co., ltd. is seeking to develop

  job search intention and work experience

  position: assistant business, real estate sales, administrative clerical, sales assistant

  work experience: 4 years title: none

  job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time

  monthly requirements: negotiable hope that the working area:

  personal experience: XX/05 XX/12 grand southeast qionghai properties limited

  sales job duties:

  any sales consultants and personal banking customers responsible for mortgage business, property registration for the work of clients, files and drawings of the classified management; familiar with the process of real estate sales



  master of commerce & master of international business (jul XX ~ jul XX)

  the university of sydney ! major: marketing and international business

  gpa: average distinction

  key subjects:

  strategic marketing / international and global marketing / brand management / consumer behavior / new

  product development / risk management / international money and finance / cross cultural management /

  strategic alliance

  academic achievements:

  • 1st place in capsim business management simulation (XX)

  • 2nd place in business strategy simulation (XX)

  • top ten teams in countrymanager competition (XX)

  acquired knowledge and skills:

  • research and perform market, consumer, competitor, swot and brand analysis

  • write business plan and design marketing activities to achieve business goals

  • familiar with industries of personal care, footwear, consumer electronics, consumer foodservice, health

  and wellness, soft drinks, and tourism in australia.

  • design and give presentations to stakeholders

  bachelor of clinical medicine (jul XX ~ jun XX)

  fudan university, shanghai, china

  gpa: 3.3/4.0!

  key subjects:

  physiology / anatomy / pathology / pathophysiology / pharmacology / diagnostics / medical imaging /

  medicine / surgery / pediatrics / obstetrics & gynecology / psychiatry / neurology / chinese medicine /

  preventive medicine / epidemiology / infectious disease / human parasitology / otorhinolaryngology /

  ophthamology / venereology / medical statistics / psychology

  academic achievements:

  • achieved top 15% amongst 310 students

  • five-time receiver of distinctive students scholarship (XX, XX, XX, XX, XX)

  • elective student to chinese university of hong kong

  employment history

  breast cancer tissue bank, sydney, australia sep XX to dec XX

  tissue bank officer - one of the 4 branch officers of breast cancer tissue bank nsw. responsible for

  research participant recruitment and sample collection in royal prince alfred hospital. cooperated with

  surgeons, gps, nurses and other medical staffs in pre-admission clinic and ot.

  wanli mobile retail, guangzhou, china jul XX to jul XX, part-time

  marketing / sales manager - principal marketing consultant for a mobile phone retail business in shanghai.

  initiated campus brand ambassadors program in five universities to increase exposure amongst target

  customers. introduced company to concept of online business with regional and potentially national focus.

  launched and promoted company website to provide updated and integrated marketing and sales


  huashan hospital, shanghai, china jul XX to jul XX

  intern - rotated in various departments including internal medicine, general surgery, neurology, pediatrics,

  psychiatric, obstetrics, gynecology and er. worked as a doctor in both clinics and wards in the above

  departments under supervision. assisted in night and major surgeries.

  volunteer work

  • event administration assistant - cancer council nsw, australia (XX, XX)

  • english translator and local guide - XX shanghai special olympics world summer games

  • group leader, hotel division - huashan hospital centennial celebration (XX)

  extra-curricula activities

  positions of responsibility held:

  • head of department of recreation and sports - student union (XX,XX)

  • president and piano accompanist - fenglin campus choir (XX)

  • president - fenglin campus table tennis club (XX,XX)

  • president - fenglin campus cantonese club (XX, XX)!

  • founder and president - main campus cantonese club (XX)

  personal achievements:

  • four times champion of campus women singles, table-tennis contest (XX~XX)

  • completed the global business ethics course, international youth achievement organization (XX)

  it & language skills

  • competent with both pc and mac operating system

  • competent in microsoft office suite, photoshop, spss

  • familiar with various website design programmes

  • fluent in both written and oral english, mandarin and cantonese







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