
时间:2023-05-23 14:50:10 作者:会员上传



  Li Zhaolin, the Han nationality, the lighthouse of Liaoning Province, the town of small town of small village. One of the main leaders of the Communist Party of China's Northern Manchuria, one of the heroes of the Northeast Anti-Japanese coalition, and 100 for the establishment of the new China. Former Communist Party of Manchuria Provincial Military Commission, the Pearl River anti-Japanese guerrilla vice captain, Hadong detachment political commissar, the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army Sixth Army political and political director, the third army political department director, Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army Third Army commander and other staff.


  Li Zhaolin, Liaoning Province Lighthouse City Huazi town people, formerly known as Li Chaolan. Formerly known as Li Lisheng, Sun Zhengzong, Zhang Yuhua, Zhang Shou. Nickname Family origin rich peasant. Was born on November 2, 1901 (the first lunar month). In May 1932, Comrade Lin Yuqing introduced into the group and moved to the party in the same year. On March 9, 1946, he was killed by the Kuomintang military spies on the 9th Street, Lane Road, Harbin, at the age of thirty-six. Li Zhaolin eight-year-old into the village Zhang Wu Ting Office of the private school to study, nine years into the large Rongguan Tuen primary school, fourteen years old graduated from Lvfangsi public high school; later, and Rong Guantun private school read two years book. In 1926 due to his father died, quit school farming, at home self-study. In 1930, Zhang Rongjian, the head of the village of Da Rong Guan Tun, threw his money, and the villagers were afraid to speak. Li Zhaolin learned that, very angry, face to ask questions, righteousness and strictness, ask the village head speechless. Villagers see him presided over justice, upright and resolute, but also text will count, in 1930 he was selected as the deputy head of the village. Li Zhaolin childhood hard-working, outstanding achievements, but also good at painting, calligraphy and flute, popular teachers and parents favorite. After dropping out of school often do not leave the volume, hard self-encouragement. In the face of the Japanese imperialists to stepping up the encroachment of the Northeast, and corruption and incompetence of the government has repeatedly implemented the harsh reality of humiliating foreign policy, so that Li Zhaolin suffocated, he had in the book box engraved "Yunqi surprising, swept the military" eight characters, To express its ambition to recover the mountains and rivers of the motherland; also painted a "Dayu water map" sustenance of their own loyalty to the cause of the people's lofty ideals. At this time, Li Zhaolin has been married. His wife, Li Shukang, gave great support to his revolutionary activities.

  In 1930, Li Zhaolin's uncle Zhang Yirong (also known as Zhang Junwu, Zhang Guowei, Zhang Xingya. Northeast is the fifth phase of the infantry department infantry .1929 is the commander of the Northeast Army, battalion commander In the summer of 1930 into the Chinese University Department of literature, after joining my underground party organization), in the Chinese university to study home to visit relatives, Li Zhaolin often to Zhang a roar home Ask the national event. They talked about each other and express their feelings. Li Zhaolin also hungry to read Zhang a roar from Beijing to send the progress of books. Li Zhaolin open knowledge of this vision, growth is a great help. In May 1931, Zhang Yirong in the northeast of the martial arts classmates Zhai Lequan (Gansu, northeast army North camp officer training class graduates, in the Northeast Army temporarily the first brigade Wang Zhizhe travel officer when the staff, Underground party members), suffering from lung disease to Liaoyang Li Zhaolin home near the Erlongshan Ssangyong Temple (Xinglong Temple) Temple to recuperate. By Zhang a roar introduced Li Zhaolin met Zhai Lequan. Zhai to Li about the "May 30 tragedy" and other shocked events at home and abroad, the two often come to often, feeling harmonious, like-minded. With the help of Zhai Lequan, Li Zhaolin understands some revolutionary reasons and is determined to take the path of revolution. After the "September 18th Incident" in 1931, the Chinese people were in a state of crisis. In order to save the dire straits in the motherland and the people, Li Zhaolin to persuade the mother, selling their own car tolls, decided to bid farewell to the hometown elders. In November 1931, Li Zhaolin came to Peking, renamed Li Liesheng. By Zhang Yirong introduced to participate in the "Northeast People Anti-Japanese National Salvation", "anti-imperialist alliance", met the "Northeast People's Anti-Japanese National Salvation" as a member of the Standing Committee of my underground party member Feng Jieping (Feng Naiqi) and served as executive committee Xia Shangzhi The Li Zhaolin spoke enthusiastically about the situation of anti-Japanese armed struggle in the northeast of Liaoyang, and urged the party to lead these loose anti-Japanese armed forces and express their determination to return to their hometowns against Japan and won the praise of Comrade Feng Jiuping and Xia Shangzhi. In order to obtain legal status as a cover, Li Zhaolin in Peking private North China University to pay tuition fees, to become the school's registered students. At the end of the year, "the people of the Northeast Anti-Japanese National Salvation Association" sent Li Zhaolin and Zhang Junbo to the fourth party of the western part of the military volunteer Geng Ji week work, Li Zhaolin appointed office director, Zhang Junbo Ren Wenshu director. Soon, Li Zhaolin back to Liaoyang engaged in anti-Japanese activities. At the beginning of 1932, Li Zhaolin to Peking "northeast people anti-Japanese national salvation" report, asked the party organization to send Liaoyang to organize anti-Japanese armed forces. In February 8th, according to the instructions of the Communist Party of China Peiping Municipal Committee and the Central Military Commission, by the underground party member Feng Jieping comrades led Li Zhaolin, Yang Shoutian to the northeast Liaoyang County Huazi Township small fort area to establish anti-Japanese volunteer army. March Lin Yuqing (Li Chunfa) Comrade Hu Qiaomu's instructions also came here. Then Zhang Yirong, Sun Zhiyuan, Xia Shangzhi, Wang Shouxian, Ding Jiyang, Wei Mingsheng (Guan Youwei), Xiao Zhou, Tian Liping, Sun Yitai, Hou Xin and other comrades have also gathered in the area. Because the people, to two cooked, decided by Li Zhaolin open to the organization of anti-Japanese team, he rode home white horse contact Liaoyang, Fengtian, Benxi area "Yangtze River team", "swallow team", "heaven and earth", Yu Zhichao and "Weekdays team" and other mountain team. In the "for the motherland, the nation to fight devils ... ..." under the slogan, the mountain team have expressed their willingness to unite against Japan to save the country. In March of the same year, in the name of "Northeast People's Anti-Japanese National Salvation Association", in the Sanjiazi Chen Chuying hospital, presided over by Li Zhaolin, held about 50 people attended the team summit, announced the formal establishment of the Northeast Volunteers Twenty-fourth Army , Under the five detachment, the commander Su Jingyang, up to three dry more than 500 people. Set to small fort as the center, gallop in the east to the crooked head mountain, south to Huazi ditch, west to Yantai (lighthouse), north to Chen Xiangtun radius of sixty square of land, and the Japanese combat.

  Comrade Li Zhaolin, the commander of the Third Army of the Anti-Japanese Allied Forces of the Communist Party of China, and his rhetoric as "revitalizing the Chinese" motto. In 1931, after the "September 18" incident, under the leadership of the Party, Li Zhaolin was riding in the "Liao, Kyrgyzstan and the Black", led the anti-Japanese infantry to overcome all the difficulties and the Japanese invaders bloody battles Army and the Soviet Red Army to eliminate the Japanese Kwantung Army, the liberation of the whole northeast, and finally "recapture my rivers and mountains." He dedicated himself to his life to the liberation of the Chinese nation, dedicated to the Chinese people's war. His heroic performance will always be praised by the Chinese nation, his English name will always be remembered in the hearts of the Chinese people



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