
时间:2023-05-23 14:32:28 作者:会员上传



  date of birth:1977-01-24



  work experience:>5 years

  current salary:100,000-150,000/year

  tel: (mobile)


  career objective

  desired industry:

  computers, software

  desired position:

  senior software engineer ,system architecture design ,project manager

  desired address:


  desired salary:


  work experience



  e-ma logistic systems

  s strategies technology

  bright oceans corporation

  industry: computers, software finance in shanghai senior software engineer responsibilities:develop applications for several city banks' operation such as bank credit, finance, hr, oa system.

  shanghai new touch software

  industry: computers, software government affair dep software engineer responsibilities:develop web application for the government's affair such as oa system.

  project experience


  gcc plate form

  project description: update the form, and develop new operationresponsibility: design and develop

  education and training


  ustc computer science and technology bachelor


  the no1 middle school of handan high school

  professional skills

  language skills:

  english very good

  computer skills:

  ejb skilled 24month java skilled 50month web sphere skilled 24month web logic skilled 24month security skilled 24month xml/xslt skilled 36month oracle skilled 24month j2ee skilled 48month


  1997/07 cet4


  5 years' develop experience in large j2ee system, be well up in computer software skills. have good team work spirit and lead ability .good skill at communication with people and create good relationship.


  Rob Patterson

  50, Tice Blvd,

  Princeton, NJ-90434

  Phone: 945-904-****



  To seek a position of a web designer in a company where my skills and abilities will be used and nurtured.


  Lowell Computer Services, Lowell, MA

  20xx - 20xx

  Web Designer

  Responsibility for overall web project management from development to execution and maintenance.

  Responsible for the graphic design and implementation of company web site including navigation, writing HTML and JavaScript and optimisation of web graphics.

  Developed banners for advertising on corporate client sites.

  Created and maintained database driven intranet sites.

  Upgraded servers, clients and hardware in order to comply with new standards.

  Used excellent communication skills in tandem with an extensive technical knowledge to help resolve problems for clients.

  Massachusetts Web Design, Boston, MA

  1998 - 20xx

  Web Designer

  Led a team of designers for designing and developing interactive Web Sites using Dream weaver, Fireworks, Front Page and Adobe Photoshop.

  Designed and optimised graphics for corporate client sites.

  Coordinated Quality Assurance procedures including testing and debugging of code.

  Write HTML, JavaScript, Tables, Frames and Graphics.

  Installed Shopping Carts using CGI scripts.

  Administer Internet e-mail accounts for corporate clients.

  Responsible for training staff to provide technical support


  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

  Boston, MA

  1994 - 1998

  BS in Computer Science


  HTML/CGI/Perl, JavaScript

  Adobe PhotoShop, Illustrator, In Design, Image Ready

  Macromedia Dream weaver

  Windows 3.11 to Windows XP

  Microsoft Front Page and Office Suite

  Operating Systems: MS DOS, Windows 95/98, Windows NT, and UNIX.


  Hobbies include History, Reading, Art, Travel and the study of languages.

  Fluent in Italian, French and Russian.


  Name: xxx Nationality: China

  The current residence: Haizhuqu District Nationality: Han

  Household registration: Haizhuqu District body material: 168 cm 70 kg

  Marital status: single age: 22

  Job search intention and work experience

  The type of talent: ordinary

  Position: sales, logistics / warehousing

  Work experience: Job

  Job type: can date: at any time

  Salary requirements: 20xx--3500

  Hope that the working area: Guangzhou

  Work experience

  Company name: Guangdong rhinoceros paper books Ltd.

  Start-stop date: 20xx-08 ~ 20xx-04

  Company type: private enterprise industry: other industries

  Position: proofreader

  Job description: the company is mainly responsible for the beauty salon, recipes, books editor, text and grammatical corrections in book editing.

  Reason for leaving:

  Education background

  University one is graduated from: Guangzhou University

  Degree: Bachelor

  Graduation date: 20XX-07-01

  Major: logistics management

  Self assessment

  I treat the work enthusiasm, positive, upward, work in a proactive learning, enhance. Work hard, careful, meticulous, can effectively complete the assigned task, is good at communicating with people. My character is honest, honest, kind, gentle and quiet. I hope I can find a school or an educational institution, the industry is very suitable for me. I graduated from Guangzhou University, I majored in English, know a little Japanese, I hope I can find a company can long-term development.



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