
时间:2023-05-23 14:22:30 作者:会员上传

  2019/09- present: *** Company

  Industry: intermediary services

  Development of real estate development / planning director / Commissioner

  Main duties:

  Beijing is responsible for the company's work to the store site, whose main duty is to expand the work shops, to do market analysis, feasibility studies, contract negotiations, as well as shops, as well as maintenance.

  ... ... ... ...

  2019/01-2019/02: Blue 21 Metro Real Estate Broker Co., Ltd.

  Industry: Real Estate Development

  Sales Director of the Department of售房Wangjing

  Main duties:

  Second-hand housing market liquidity and promote the company's liquidity, ... ... ... .... As the industry leader should have the following characteristics:

  1. A very good business capacity; ... ... ... ... a very good implementation capacity for the entire second-hand housing market outlook is bright!

  The number of subordinates: 8

  Causes of separation: the ability of the higher-ups in doubt, there is depression!

  Performance: in a year to complete the performance of individual售房and 220,000 yuan a year to complete and lead this team to complete售房of 1,200,000 results! Able to independently accomplish the sale of second-hand housing training, able to complete the sale of second-hand housing processes, to an independent second-hand housing transactions related to the development of management systems.


  1. Honest and stable, can bear hardships and stand hard on the real estate professionals have a good grasp, a certain degree of work experience.

  2. In a period of time after graduation, I continued to study real estate planning knowledge, constantly sum up experience in real estate sales, constant self-improvement, making their real estate professional at all times maintain a self-leader!





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