
时间:2023-05-23 06:06:57 作者:会员上传

dear sir or madam,

     my interest in the position of your company has prompted me to forward my resume for your review and consideration.

     my name is leenian; a graduating student majored in business english at jiangxi college of foreign studies     during my college life, i have been working very hard to grasp what we have learned, not only the basic knowledge, but also the skills of practice. i love my major and have got high marks in my curriculums. moreover, i entered many tests and got some certificates, like cet-4,

yet, i am not just a bookworm. instead, i am fond of various social activities. i joined in our students union, and have been the leader of one department because of my excellent work ability. during the holidays, i sometime took a part-time job, just for the purpose of putting what i learned in the school into practice.

i worked as a international trade secretary in guangbo import and export corporation during july and november. through five months work, i had the further understanding to the international trade work.

     i would welcome the opportunity to discuss my background with you further at your convenience.

     thank you for your consideration.

      best wishes,

yours sincerely




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