
时间:2023-05-23 05:32:44 作者:会员上传

dear sirs:

  xxx just read on thursday, reported that the recruitment of qualified personnel of your company. i have served on the department of the new world product sales for four years, senior staff, have sufficient experience of self-confidence, your company may be recruited as a job.

  since i started in 1981, has served as business sales, as well as writing letters. in the course of work, in addition to the scope of official business, with some customers from all regions and to make use of spare time to learn a lot about the business issues.

  prior to his role in the new world, i have served as accounting firms brother secretaries. during his tenure, learning many of the accounting terms and accounting procedures.

  i am now 25 years old, unmarried, in xx and graduated from wah yan college, i would like to have the opportunity to make full use of their skills, engage in the work of a wider range of needs, this is my hurry to leave the main reason for existing. i am employed by a company is the boss of my work is quite laudable ambition, so he is willing to help me to find another level.

  if it is convenient, i would like to personally visit your office your company in order to detail.

  kai xxx



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