
时间:2023-05-23 01:56:53 作者:会员上传

dear leader, hello!!!!!

i'm xxx school a graduating student, the professional is, i hope i can to your work.

i not only pay attention to the basic course of study, and attach importance to the cultivation of ability. during the period of school, i take the time, study hard, excellent grades completed basic theoretical course of study. at the same time, i also plan to take time to read all kinds of books, magazines, as much as possible to enlarge our scope of knowledge, to keep pace with the pace of the times. besides study, out of school, i try to catch every chance to exercise, with different levels of people get along with, let oneself close contact society, feel the life, savour the life of sour, sweet, bitter, hot, make oneself to mature as soon as possible.

now i desire to your units to work can, make what learn and the theoretical knowledge of organically combined with practice, can make their life has a qualitative leap.

select the unit, wages and welfare not i consider first conditions. i pay more attention to the whole image of the unit, management mode, the morale of the employees and working atmosphere. i believe your unit is just what i pursuit of the ideal goal. i am very confident to you promise: choose me, you will not regret.



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