
时间:2023-05-23 00:45:57 作者:会员上传



dear sir,

  please consider me an application for the position which you advertise in . i am twenty-one years of age, a graduate of the wah yan college in the class of 1988. the following year i took a course in mechanical drawing in the morrison hill technical college. i am at present an engineer trainee in morse company.

  i should be glad to have a personal interview,and can furnish references if desired.

truly yours



application for the position of construction officer

i am confident that my building construction degree, along with my experience in the construction industry, makes me an excellent candidate for your job. i would appreciate the opportunity to discuss with you personally about my application in detail.

as you may know, any university is among the few universities that offers a specialized degree for the construction industry. in addition to my academic qualification, i have worked as a carpenter and an assistant construction officer in the last two summers.

i am applying for the above position you advertised in jobspower.com on april 7. i will complete my building construction degree and graduate from any university in may. it is my wish to join a company that has your excellent reputation.

thank you for your consideration.

yours sincerely

steven wei


  1. 自荐信要尽可能简短。"自荐信越长,写自荐信者越无足轻重"。短自荐信就象一个男女双方未曾见过面经媒人介绍的约会,使他们更想见你,但当你一出现,他们并没有失望。

  2. 让你的自荐信集中于一个特定领域或行业,如果你对好几类工作感兴趣,你也许需要写几份自荐信。

  3. 要使用强势语言而非弱势语言:



  4. 给出你的工作成果:

  a. 数:人员、销售额、发行量等的增加。

  b. 节约的时间:你是多么迅速地解决了问题,你能再多快一些来完成工作。

  c. 效果:你工作所带来的长期、短期的积极效果。

  d. 持久性:你的一个建议、方法、解决方案已多长时间被采用。

  e .扩展:你的方法被应用于其它部门或成为其它项目的一部分。

  f. 你曾写过一些促销的或教育性的材料,手册,小册子或小传单吗?

  g. 你与其他组织保持着联系或合作关系吗?如果有,是哪些组织?为什么那么做?


dear mis ho
application for the position of construction officer

i am confident that my building construction degree, along with my experience in the construction industry, makes me an excellent candidate for your job. i would appreciate the opportunity to discuss with you personally about my application in detail.

as you may know, any university is among the few universities that offers a specialized degree for the construction industry. in addition to my academic qualification, i have worked as a carpenter and an assistant construction officer in the last two summers.

i am applying for the above position you advertised in jobspower.com on april 7. i will complete my building construction degree and graduate from any university in may. it is my wish to join a company that has your excellent reputation.

thank you for your consideration.

yours sincerely

steven wei




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