
时间:2023-05-23 03:00:33 作者:会员上传


  i am the normal college education science college of 06 class a students, through university study and exercise, i will be in june next year finish college, really into society, began to life on a new journey.

  i think: "be sure to let his life in classroom glows brilliant splendor, be sure to let children because i feel the presence of happiness!" . three years, school leaders and the teacher's guidance, i try to learn professional knowledge, training professional skills, professional level every year are increased obviously. in the study, i never seriously, not only do the other people all are doing--listening, speaking, reading, writing, teaching and so on various aspects of the training, and also to do many others didn't do, for example in love reading this big efforts, read some education original works, for his own spiritual life of the nutrition intake quantitative, adjust the structure of knowledge and at the same time, expansion of the vision.

  it is in this to be ready to good state of mind, i at the beginning of time and learn, tree model for normal, always seizing opportunities to learn how to be a good people's teacher, constantly remind myself to learn, learning to practice books to the masters, learn, so that, two years i have been spare time and tutor work, and combine that with, and in the light of different students choose teaching method, make their english scores improve, in the final test got good grades. teaching in class, i first up onto the platform with the courage and the perfect lecture skills and demeanor won the high performance. in mianyang city in the town of primary school swimming teaching practice in furong, listen to the teacher carefully, prepare lessons, lectures, carefully the listening to my daily practice of life become portraiture, and the height of the teachers and students in evaluation and good results for my work has realized the golden harvest. when students coming up in the air every time when back to emerge in eyes, and i will once again to appreciate that a teacher is the pride and proud, i am even more determined times of the world and the determination of the peach!!!!!

  college life taught me to calm, patient, so that i can in life's coordinates in search of suitable for their position and constantly dressing yourself, the more let me profound understanding to the people to diligently to do every thing, earnest, surely face life every step of the way. so i sincerely wish to join you for this good, rich vitality of groups, in everyone's guidance and help, together hand in hand, in the way of life progressive!

  i wish your career progresses day by day!







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