
时间:2023-05-22 23:52:17 作者:会员上传

  how do you do

  first of all thank you in spite of being very busy toglance through my cover letter, your attention will turn over the page of my life. through the understanding to your company, i wish to your company, for the company to play a part in order to company understanding of me, now introduces himself as follows:

  i graduated from a school, learning and professional marketing planning, trying to learn professional basic course at the same time, use after school to attend the recreational activity. exercise their communication ability, take part in all kinds of interest groups, strengthen their practice ability.

  during the period of school, i seize all opportunities to exercise their various aspects ability, make oneself toward the modern society need innovative talents development.. trying to learn professional knowledge at the same time, learning than the electronic, mechanical kind of basic course and accounting class all courses, and not only training of solid knowledge skills, training the thrust analysis and actual operation ability, and the more established a strict truth-seeking system of thought; completed outside of the rest of the economy in many subjects, and use after school time to read a lot of marketing books, such as marketing planning practice, sales channels management, enterprise management, network marketing and advertising, to improve the professional knowledge structure of the i.

  "live and let live, jieshenzihao" is my doing things principle; "keep improving, enterprising spirit" is my spirit faith; "conscientiously, continuous innovation" is the way i work. since the XX years out of school to enter an enterprise to now, from a primary business agent went to the market now sales director, a few years work experience i have certain social experience and connections.

  an enterprise is a leading enterprise culture and it is the sale mecca, is also the enterprise culture of infection; as a sales person, and can therefore products to the national to contribute a force is each of us pleasure, i sincerely hope that you provide me with self-expression opportunities, i will win the resilience of the perseverance to cut difficulty, can become a member of your company.



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