
时间:2023-05-22 20:39:47 作者:会员上传

respect leadership:

  how do you do!

  thank you for taking time out of his busy schedule to review my material, and hopes to give me a chance!

  a solid grasp of mastery of knowledge and expertise in a certain work ability and organizational capacity subordinates, is your wish. to a fully professional expertise of their own work units, and can be your concern is my hope; capable assistant, to help you work; suitable work units, help me to display their talent.

  maybe we will be a common goal to stand together, and that is: will the expensive unit the brilliant history written guichanli more fun! wish for the expensive unit work, and sacrifice their own youth and talent.

  look forward and thank you for your choice!

  as learn secretary professional graduates of i, although work experience, but i\ll learn, positive work, dedicated to conscientiousness completes the labor of duty. sincere hope to get your unit joint about or to give me an interview chance, so as to further examines my ability.

  college life is not our imaginary park, more is not our ideal paradise, but a exercise person\s big furnace. on the occasion of exercise opportunity knocks, especially try to cover the expensive unit, give me a chance to exercise employment. a sincere heart in expect you to trust. a person\s life is waiting for your change.

  hope your unit can receive me, support me, let me join your family, i will do my best ability for the expensive unit play the right level and ability.


xx Manager:
I "xxx Daily" on the advertisement, that your intention to recruit a manager secretary, wrote a special venture candidates.

Two months later, I am from the hotel property management business school graduate. Height 1.65cm, dignified appearance, good temperament. In school, I systematically studied the introduction of modern management, social psychology, Hotel Management Studies, hotel financial accounting, hotel management, hotel and catering management, the lobby of the hotel management, hotel marketing, hotel property management, property management, residential Area property management, application writing, etiquette school, professional courses in English. Outstanding achievements, has more than paper. Familiar with computer operation and English through the national levels, fluent spoken English, some knowledge in Japanese, Cantonese, Putonghua with ease.
The second half of last semester, I have a five-star hotel rooms do xxx laboratory internship two weeks, the accumulation of a number of practical work experience. I love the hotel management, to become a member of your hotel, and we can work together to encourage hotel developments make every effort to do a good job.

My biographical notes and be accompanied by related materials, such as give me the opportunity to interview, I would be honored.
Contact Address: xxx Guangzhou Institute of Business and Technology Department of the hotel property management 510,507

Contact Tel: 13911111111

Job seekers were: xxx


dear mr ho

  application for the position of secretary

  enclosed please find my resume for your review regarding the above position you advertised in the jobspower.com on january 4.

  i am presently working for xyz company, and am responsible for arranging meetings and interviews and taking minutes, dealing with in-coming calls and correspondence in my employer's absence. my tenure at xyz has provided me the opportunity to develop comprehensive administrative and secretarial skills. in addition, i have earned a diploma in secretarial management at any college, where i received professional secretarial training.

  i would like to talk to you further concerning your requirements and my ability to meet them. look forward to meeting you.

  thank you for your time.

  yours sincerely








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