
时间:2023-05-22 17:02:05 作者:会员上传

  name: xxx sex: male

  ethnic: chinese political features: members

  academic qualifications (degree): undergraduate: law

  contact tel: 12345678 mobile: 13901111xxx

  contact address: xx street, dongcheng district, beijing on the 10th zip: 100007

  email address: 12345678@www.cjzw.cn pager :66806xxx-1234

  educational background

  graduate institutions: the central university for nationalities 1992.9 - 1996.7 of the legal profession

  * through the national bar examination

  * 6 through national examinations in english, i learned that reading and writing proficiency

  * proficiency in the operation of computers and the internet and the use of

  work experience

  * 1996.9 - 1998.9 xx large state-owned joint-stock enterprises

  law officers

  action to deal with the company day-to-day, non-litigation legal affairs and intellectual property matters / is responsible for guarding against the risk of law, together with other departments to guard against all types of risk / training staff of legal knowledge

  * 1998.10 - xx group since


  responsible for the operation and management of the activities of the legal services / drafting, reviewing contracts, company legal documents / the development of the company building the legal rules and regulations and the rule of law programs / companies involved in the handling of economic disputes and companies inside and outside the major business negotiations


  with professional knowledge and experience to understand the various legal documents; familiar with the various types of documents, writing legal texts; with strong expression and communication skills; the judge has a strong analytical ability and logical; man of integrity, propriety law-abiding; loving broad, happy to work with people and good team spirit.

  i character

  cheerful, modest, self-discipline, self-confidence (based on the person‘s circumstances).

  another: the most important thing is the ability, i believe that your company will feel that i am a suitable candidate for this position!

  look forward to working with your interviews!



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