
时间:2023-05-22 17:37:22 作者:会员上传

  jerry chen

  no.23 shuangqing street

  haidian dist., beijing 100084

  august 15, XX

  franc cao

  copy supervisor

  ogilvy & mather

  no.315 chaoyang avenue

  chaoyang dist., beijing 100027

  dear mr. cao:

  i am very interested in the production artist position advertised in the beijing youth daily on wednesday, july 30, XX. with more than 3 years of experience in a variety of graphics production positions, i feel that i would be an excellent candidate.

  my resume is enclosed summarizing where my skills and abilities have been developed. i would welcome the opportunity to discuss my background with you further at your convenience.


  jerry chen

  ryan tolbech 4532 cahilloval

  san angelo, tx 76902 (915) 942-9313

  december 2, 19-- bt&k XX

  18th street suite 300 san angelo, tx 76902


  senior creative director i am sending you my resume in response to your ad in the may issue of advertising age for a production artist. i believe i have the skills that your company is seeking, and would like to be considered for the position. i have extensive layout and design experience and enjoy working on precise, detailed projects. my background in 4-color production, camera work, and desktop publishing systems would also be an asset to your company. working under tight deadlines is the standard of the advertising industry that i come from, and is not a problem for me.

  i look forward to meeting with you personally, and reviewing the needs of bt&k in greater detail. i can be reached at the above telephone number.

  let‘s talk soon, ryan tolbech

  309 lake ave.

  bristol, ohio

  june 17, 19-

  crown laundry co.

  bristol, ohio

  gentlemen: in reply to your advertisement in the bristol news of june 2, i wish to say that i am seeking the kind of position your offer. i am nineteen years old, and expect to graduate from the bristol technical high school this month. during three years of the course i have been working with many kinds of machinery and have helped to set up and repair the machinery in one of the school shops. my father is a chauffeur, and i helped him in repairing automobiles. last summer i took a party of excursionists on a three weeks‘tour. while we were in west epping, away from repair shops, my machine was badly damaged. i had to repair two cylinders and rig up a temporary steering wheel.

  inclosed you will find a copy of my resume-and my photo. i believe they may be found satisfactory. concerning my character i am permitted to refer to mr. h. l. sled, head of the mechanical section of the bristol technical high school.

  yours truly,


  dear sir:




  one-page generic want ad letter

  ryan tolbech

  4532 cahilloval

  san angelo, tx 76902

  (915) 942-9313

  december 2, 19-- bt&k XX

  18th street suite 300

  san angelo, tx 76902

  attention: senior creative director

  i am sending you my resume in response to your ad in the may issue of advertising age for a production artist. i believe i have the skills that your company is seeking, and would like to be considered for the position.

  i have extensive layout and design experience and enjoy working on precise, detailed projects. my background in 4-color production, camera work, and desktop publishing systems would also be an asset to your company. working under tight deadlines is the standard of the advertising industry that i come from, and is not a problem for me.

  i look forward to meeting with you personally, and reviewing the needs of bt&k in greater detail. i can be reached at the above telephone number.

  let‘s talk soon,

  ryan tolbech



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