
时间:2023-05-22 14:48:14 作者:会员上传

Dear leaders:

  First of all, thank you for an ordinary graduates for taking the time to read the cover letter!

  I do not have university qualifications, nor is it what Dr. Masters, in the school during the评优not winning more, but I have my own love and pursuit. In addition to complete their studies, I also read books and participate in social practice, their confidence, passion for life, request your company for giving me an opportunity, let me prove that my performance ability, and with my unique ability to create benefits due.

  I graduated from the Shandong Institute of Business and College English Majors, results in general, Japanese do not highlight the results, but they can speak English fluently and those who speak Japanese as well as communication. School, I majored in journalism, since that achieved excellent results, once planned to apply for the Graduate, Renmin University of China, and will very firm, but the end for family reasons and has no choice but to give up. In addition, I have been self-study economics, sociology and law, a wide range of interest, are covered. University during my spare time mostly spent in the library, in particular, often go to newspapers and periodicals reading room, with a variety of newspapers, reviews and features like.

  I love writing, three hours wrote a 150,000 word novel - "纸团destiny", but due to lack of funds, failure to publication. To enter university, the campus is doing during a press, but also wrote a large number of communications and information. Certainly, there are a number of novels, essays and poetry, scattered on my blog.

  Sophomore year, I also have been set up called the "old tree" magazine, readers, there has been quite a good reputation. During this period, regardless of editing or engage in business, I have accumulated a lot of experience, it is also my firm belief that the newspaper industry into the future.

  Holidays, I have been with the students participated in social surveys, and write a report every time; I did advertising salesman, managers often deal with the boss; lobbied for sponsorship, cultural and recreational activities have been planned; made tabloid press; been engaged in a propaganda.

  I hope your company can not accept me, in my dedication and efforts, and work together for a better tomorrow to write a brilliant poem.





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