
时间:2023-06-19 04:56:04 作者:会员上传

please leave a

teacher wang:

today, because of my grandmother was seriously ill, with parents to visit, ask for leave one day.

sincerely yours


student: li binbin

x dated

students write their own class, to leave the subject matter and the time to write clearly, to meet the requirements.


your clastudent sun hao, due to a sudden high fever and vomiting, to the hospital for treatment. today 's absence from school. we take.

sincerely yours


parents: sun zhengping

parents: sun zhengping

x dated

by the elder generation children write. cause and time to write clearly, accord with the requirements for writing.


i ask for sick leave of two days, but still not recovered, he can't go to school, need to continue treatment, had to extend leave two days, hope can be approved.

sincerely yours


student: yang fan

x x dated

sometimes, the situation is very special, need to continue to leave, written contracts. the note to meet the requirements.


excuse shall include the following several parts: in the first line of the intermediate should write " excuse".

format [ ]

1 middle headline" excuse".

the 2 leave the object name. to the top to write, and in the back with a colon.

the 3 leave reason. to another line, two down. the main stated reason and please leave long false.

the 4 leave the start-stop time.

5 greeting words.

6 for signature.

the 7 leave time. the text written on the bottom right of the.

leave a record record format ( in cla)

name: bedroom: telephone:

leave to address:

leave to sites contact:

leave for:

back-to-school time: batch people expected:

note: a note with a black pen or ballpoint pen to write, by the same day for students to write to monitor after signing to the clateacher. without leave to unauthorized school leavers.

the monitor will leave for a unified collect and record, the committee of discipline to monitor office leave situation will make the evaluation request for leave writing paradigm

it is going to work or participate in various activities, but because oneself are occupied or physical reasons not to work, to attend the activities, to the departments or manager, this is taking a leave of absence.

for example:

taking a leave of absence

the school party branch:

because the mother of acutely ill, hospitalized, i cannot attend the week of saturday lectures and other activities, please approve.

zhang daming


examples of reference [ ]

taking a leave of absence

the xx training center:

because of our staff of the general assembly held on the evening of january 10th, no person shall absent, so i can not return to training late in january 10th. we take, ken hope approval!




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