
时间:2023-06-18 20:13:30 作者:会员上传
the corporation. for this trading account ("account") the
undersigned agrees to jointly a nd severally guarantee
personally the immediate, full a nd complete performance of any a nd all of the duties a nd obligations of this
account a nd the payment of any a nd all damages, costs a nd expenses, which may become recoverable by
gme from the corporation.
this guarantee shall remain in full force a nd effect until the termination of this client services agreement,
provided that the undersigned shall not be released from their obligations so long as the account a nd any
obligations the account has with gme lasts.
personal guarantee acknowledgment
this guarantee shall inure to the benefit of gme, its successors a nd assigns, a nd shall be binding on the
undersigned a nd their heirs.
this assigns:
as guarantor, individually date signature
____________________ _______________ ____________________
as guarantor, individually date signature
____________________ ________________ _____________________
as guarantor, individually date signature
____________________ ________________ _____________________



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