
时间:2023-06-07 23:02:44 作者:会员上传

  新疆景点英文导游词范文1:Hami back to the palace

  Guangxu (1882), eight years ShaMu hu sauter inheritance, palace for the expansion and renovation. After the expansion of wangfu accounted for a quarter back to town, the area has room for more than 880, size nine gate house. Is a gate structure of match well of Chinese and western, the eaves ridge, paintings carved beams, green glazed tile roof. The overall architecture is divided into internal and external two palace, NaGong high ground with walls, appearance is the palace gate type. Thousands of yuan, as officials office accommodation, guards and storage ordnance, entertain guests. Owing to the king is a devout Muslim, therefore the mosque building seriously. In back inside the palace, there are three different size, different style of the mosque.

  Since the wangfu XiMenDong fold to the sitting room, the sitting room is after palace garden. Little garden for rest back to the king and his household. TingXie design is exquisite, with flowers and plants is given priority to, the jiangnan garden style. Many scholars for attached garden, has been in the hami has repeatedly described in the book. Fiji JingFu in hohai kunlun record records: acquired mu, earth with brick, pavilion pavilion three or four divisions, graceful structure, and ancient Yin, flowers, red, white and brilliant, for the middle garden is unprecedented. Xie Bin in the xinjiang travel also wrote: back to Wang Huayuan, TingXie number, arrangement is appropriate. All the trees of walnut, Yang, yu, tall and spreading, and herbaceous peony, peach, apricot, red-violet to various. Due to hami wang back depend on the qing government to maintain the rule of feudal lords, and since the qing dynasty xinjiang uygur cure area feudal princes and maintain a longest-ruling, and hami in xinjiang has exerted a great influence in history, and keep a special relationship with the qing government.

  To the qing government to loyalty, back to the king in the northeast corner of the garden, also built there is a flower, with Chinese classical architecture ShangZhai sits three flour wall, positive applique partition board is wood doors and Windows. Palace on display from qing sai-jo to DE zong color portrait of the emperor, like the use case, vermilion on the memorial tablet, write the name and born on pawn, the emperor on the spring and autumn period and the rainy season every year, back to the king and hami officials are to worship.

  新疆景点英文导游词范文2:ShuiMoGou scenic area

  ShuiMoGou scenic area formerly ShuiMoGou park, natural scenery, human landscape and cultural relics, folk customs as a whole, has a long history.

  ShuiMoGou sports leisure tourist area is located in ShuiMoGou district ShuiMoGou scenic area. Including four mountain river its existing, namely the clear spring water mountain, hill, hongqiao mountain, mountain hot springs and ShuiMoGou river, with a total area of about 3.7 km. ShuiMoGou sports leisure tourist area located in the xinjiang urumqi ShuiMoGou tourism scenic area, is the snow lotus hill golf scene of the whole ShuiMoGou park as the center, radiation into the surrounding area, is a healthy recreational area in the ShuiMoGou tourism scenic area, ecological, cultural and recreational area, golf leisure galleries and folk customs.

  ShuiMoGou sports leisure tourist area for positioning, urumqi nanshan scenic area, the surrounding tianchi scenic spot, which are characterized by natural scenery, the content of the tourism focus on the enjoyment and leisure, and ShuiMoGou sports leisure tourist area in addition to the natural scenery and many humanities culture characteristics, and is also the only, in xinjiang snow lotus hill golf course at the same time ShuiMoGou sports leisure tourist area of the city recently, is the general public and to urumqi tourism people live, the best place to cultivate ones morality yangxin. According to the requirement of the urban planning, regional tourism development situation, the scenic spot of internal resources condition and the developing trend of background analysis, this program will ShuiMoGou characterised as: with large area of forest development goals, with characteristic holiday leisure tourism as the main content of facilities, in order to nature, cold pool, border town, Great Wall and other content as the subject matter, meeting exhibition function, leisure function, holiday leisure function, sightseeing function as one of the super large comprehensive tourism service base, and at the same time create a qualified quality of provincial scenic spot.


  HuoZhou authors, is a peach garden. The ditch everywhere have a desirable place. It is located in the west of the volcano, the north-south, 8 km, 2 km wide from east to west, booee Luke river (authors) river crossing. Groove in the lush, planted seedless white, horse milk, white and dry, red roses, cable and other hundred kinds of grapes, and formed a natural museum of the grapes. Grape ditch tourism reception, grapes two meters tall scaffolding to the corridors of the vines are intertwined, clusters of grapes reach, sparkling water seeping between fed aquarium, quiet quiet and tastefully laid out, all you need to do is spend a few dollars, it can be picked fresh grapes to eat enough.

  Authors was named national 5 a-class scenic area, scenic areas, where putaogou amusement park, now has a luobin wang music art museum, dawa transcribing the folk custom garden vineyard, oasis and the characteristics of the Uighur architecture, folk folk peasant life, experience the Uighur ethnic village, etc.

  Beautiful scenery of the authors is famous for widely planted grapes, especially the production of seedless white grapes, thin skin, tender meat, juicy and delicious, nutritious, known as the pearl the laudatory name, the sugar content as high as 20-24%, more than grapes, California in the world. With seedless grapes dasycarpus drying system of raisins, sugar content as high as 60%, are regarded as treasures of grapes. Where putaogou valleys is long and narrow, streams, vegetation wheatgrass. Valleys on both sides of cliffs, steep cliff cliff, ditch slopes under the river is the worlds most sweet grapes, the authors like a sweet river, everywhere dicui honey, sweet blow out. Because of fresh grapes should not be stored, can consider to buy some raisins go home. About 15 to 20 yuan per kilogram, price is a little expensive than that of turpan city, but cheaper than the price of urumqi.

  Uygur dance in grape communication is an important project, developed into the collective MaiXiLaiFu song and dance show, kabuki actors will invite you and dance with them. At the time of the show, you will be arranged to sit in a special position in the courtyard, eating fresh fruits while watching the show, the stage is set under the grape trellis a simple platform. Dance of the young men and girls are the most beautiful in the village.

  Authors have a luobin wang music art museum, opened in May each year, it closes to the end of October of the same year during the opening completely free. The museum displays a history of hundreds of pictures and a large number of precious cultural relics, detailed introduction to the tourists Mr Luobin wang more than 60 years of music accomplishment and little-known story. Turpan grapes besides have fragrance overflowing honey melon and fruit, peculiar landscape scenery and ethnic customs, and numerous scenic spots and historical sites, only country and autonomous region level key cultural relics protection units there are fourteen. Is still standing bath for over two thousand years of ups and downs of gaochang, jiaohe city, through the vicissitudes of wind colour BaiZi crick thousand-buddha grottoes murals, body discovered in possession of one thousand astana tomb complex, the structure of the unique islamic architecture in qing dynasty, su gong tie is tower in the story of journey to the west, it is full of myth and legend of the volcano, magnificent artificial karez underground rivers, vineyard grapes girl touching love songs, speck bazaar amorous feelings, under the grape trellis amorous feedings of uygur dance, as well as 24 million years ago the only one like huge rhinoceros fossils, the turpan become a treasure of ancient cultural heritage assemble and harmony HuoZhou, wind state, bar and oasis as one of the natural geographical history museum.



    新疆景点英文导游词1  HuoZhou authors, is a peach garden. The ditch everywhere have a desi...


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