
时间:2023-06-07 17:09:46 作者:会员上传

  Shanghai, located at the outlet of the Yangtze River into the sea in east China, is a metropolis, the largest economic center and one of the four cities under the direct jurisdiction of the central government in China.The area of Shanghai totals 6,340 square kilometers. Shanghai has a permanent population of more than 13.50 million while it sees a large moving population of over 2.5 million daily.

  Historically speaking, Shanghai is not only a city of a long history and culture but also a heroic city with a glorious tradition in Chinese revolution.

  When the western Great Powers broke through the closed gate of China with their gunboats during the Opium War Shanghai was forced open by the colonialists as one of the five trading ports. With concessions carved out in Shanghai the area was reduced to be a “pandemonium of adventurers.” Shanghai is also a heroic city with a glorious tradition in Chinese revolution. First of all ,it is the birthplace of the Communist Party of China. To fight for the national independence and liberation the people of Shanghai waged a series of such epic struggles as Anti-British struggle at the Wusong Estuary, Uprising of the Small Sword Society, “May 4 Movement”for new culture, “May 30th Movement,” three times of armed struggles, “January 28”and “August 13”anti-Japanese battles in Songjiang and Shanghai. And after the War of Resistance against Japan was over the people in Shanghai again devoted themselves to the struggles of opposing autocratic rule and civil war while fighting for democracy and freedom, forming a second battle-line in opposition to the rule of the Kuomintang reactionaries.

  With the dying down of rumbling guns in battles for the liberation of Shanghai the city returned to the arms of the people on May 27,1949,and the next day saw the People’s Government of Shanghai proclaimed to be set up ,May 28,1949 being defined as the very “Day of Liberation for Shanghai.”

  Shanghai is an economic city of great importance for China. Especially the development and opening of Pudong has pushed Shanghai to the strategic forefront of reform and opening up to the outside world.

  Shanghai is not only a metropolis renowned in the world but also a great tourist attraction in China. On the one hand it is known to the world with its unique urban-attractions, rich and varied humane and cultural resources ,As from 1982 onwards, the overseas tourist hosted in Shanghai has witnessed a number of over one million every year while the domestic tourists have seen a yearly average of more than tens of millions. In future, Shanghai is going to be a city featureing sightseeing tours as a trend in the development of tourism.

  With great efforts made Shanghai is going to place itself as early as possible among the world famous economic and trade centers, thereby bringing up the new economic boom in the Yangtze River Delta and even the whole area along the mighty river. At present, the rudimentary shape of splendid blueprint has come into being, and it is confident that a new Shanghai enjoying a bluer sky , clearer water, greener land and more sociable people in a more improved and harmonious society will come to appear on the western shore of the Pacific Ocean in not too long a future..

  Jinmao Tower Building:There is a gigantic majestic high-rise tower like a bamboo shoot in spring pure pillar, yataghan and magic pen beside Huangpu River and at the seashore of East sea, it is Jinmao Tower which is 420.5 meters in height and is called “the first building in China” with a surprisingly beautiful appearance .Jinmao Tower has come into being and become a monumental work in the architecture industry of china and a symbol of Shanghai.



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