
时间:2023-06-07 00:21:43 作者:会员上传

  good evening, ladies and gentlemen, my dear teachers and schoolmates, and welcome to the english speaking competition for law department!! nice to see you here!!

  first of all, please allow me to introduce myself, your host for today. i am shirley from grade XX.

  there are all together 10 contestants to compete in today’s english speaking competition, they come from different classes and grades, and maybe you have seen their confidence and smile already, right? this is gonna be an interesting and exciting competition!!

  and this competition will be mediated by a panel of four judges. now, i have the great privilege of presenting today’s judges.

  ladies and gentlemen, 熊群英,welcome!!黄露,welcome!!黄岚清,welcome!!and mr peter jones!! welcome!!

  ok, after introducing our judges, now let’s go over the rules of the competition. each of the contestants has 3 minutes to present a prepared speech and 2 minutes for an improvised speech. at the end of 3 minutes, a board will be raised to let the speaker know that the time has run out. so, please raise the board. thank you!

  now i think you might be a little curious about what judges the contestants, so i'm about to tell you the criteria about our competition. there're several factors that we are going to count into this competitions, 1st is content and theme, six points, 2nd is language and speed, two points, 3rd is expression and stage manners, two points.

  now the topic for today’s prepared speech is “how to be popular”.

  ladies and gentlemen, the top two winners today will be able to attend the college competition standing for our law department.

  okay, since you've already known these, i think it’s time to begin! so let's get started!!now let’s welcome contestant no.1!! he’s 戴洪波,from grade XX.

  ** thank you for contestant no.1, now let’s welcome contestant no.2. she’s 苏燕,from grade XX.

  ** thank you for contestant no.2. here, ladies and gentlemen, i would like to announce the score of contestant no.1 is 8.56 . congratulations! now, let’s welcome contestant no.3. she’s 雷小红,from grade XX.

  right now, what i am going to announce is the first winner. ladies and gentlemen, the first winner of the competition is contestant no. 1!! congratulations!!

  thank you all for this competetion!! byebye! good night!!









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