
时间:2023-06-02 12:43:37 作者:会员上传

  one plus one equals to? everyone may answer two。 is it easy? is it simple。 and people usually like to use this words when mentions something easy and simple to do。 of course。 i think everyone in this room would like to do things which is ease and simple。 but in our daily life most of the thing never be easy nor simple。 that is why nowadays people always cry "time is not enough!" think about it again。 when things are complicated, there is always solution out there。 it just the solution also complicated。 one plus one equals to two, and we can also say that two can divide in to one plus one。 complicated things also can divide in to simple plus easy。 when we solved all the simple and easy。 the complicated also solved。 so it is not whether you are able or not able to do because of not enough time but it is whether you are going to do it simply step by step。 when you want to cry for help, just keep this in your mind。 "nothing is impossible and impossible is nothing!" thank you。



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