
时间:2023-06-02 12:17:54 作者:会员上传

  Educational Background should never lose the ability

  Good moning, ladies and gentlemen. My topic today is Educational Background should never lose the ability .

  Talking about the educatinal background and ability, there is one people we can't help thinking up , that is Tang Jun, who has been regarded as the “king of chinese employees”, but he lost his dream because Joye said his educational background is fake . At this moment ,sb said Tang is nobody because he is without any educatinal background , However others still said Tang is sb because he is within the ability. ladies and gentleman, what do you think? Before answer it, I want to ask another questions" why are you sitting here today ? Why am i standing here today? For what ? Educatinal background ? Ability? i think both of them, every day we work hard for pursuing higher educatinal background directly or indirectly : everyday we experience xhallenges or difficulties to improve our ability consciously or unconsciously. so ,today,i should say , we should own the educational background as well as the ability.

  Then now , I remenber a few days ago , one of my young sister , who is a freshman in Jianghan university , called me and complained to me seriously, “ my headmaster told us to now work as hard as possible to prepare the postgraduate examination for a higher educational background tommorow. On the other side , he advised us to enhance our real ability in practice . What should I do ? How should I deal with it? I was surprised about her complainants. However, after i surfed the internet , I was more shocked. It was reported in an investigation , now there are nearly 40% of graduates who are pure bookworms, only with the educational background , 30% are practitioners , only with high ability but failed many courses until graduation.

  What a extreme! Educational background and ability , they are different but they are not conflicted, they are seperated, actually they are unified. In this age of modernization, in this age of competition, eucatinal background should never lose the ability, Without educatinal background , Tangjun is still a great man for his undoubtedly ability and contributions . We are not Mr Tang , he is unique in the world . his ability can't be copied, We are the common people , what we should do is to work down to earth .

  Then one day we can have the key of high educational background to open the door of future, meanwhile , strengthen the ability to stand there highly and respectivly forever!

  Thank you very much!



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