
时间:2023-06-02 06:38:11 作者:会员上传

  hello,everyone.it is my great hornor and pleasure to share my movie preferance with you. as a movie fan, i have watched numbers of movies both domestic and abroad. maybe you are curious about which one is the most favourate among them. actually, it is hard for me to tell the best,because each prominent film has its characteristics. some of them are humorous to make you laugh, some are driving you burst to tears.

  but it is indeed impressive to me to review the utmost disliked film-----"hero" which is directed by zhang yimou, in XX. although this film show numourous famous filmstars, but you can tell nothing more than its great sceens. what worse, the whole movie just tell a story of the failure assassinate the emperor of qin dynasty. it is hollow on the theme and mindlein the view of narrator. it is a not-uncommon phenomenon which is arising in china movie market. i think it is really a shame to invest so much money to creat a film about nothing.

  as i consideration, a good film should belongs to a spiritual production which either to help us relax or improve our artific taste.thank you for your listen.

  hello every body,i'm so happy that i've got the chance to introduce myself to you all. my chinese name isxxx and mhy english name is xxx,i'm x years old.i live inxxxxxxxxxxx.my favourite sport is xxxx,i have many hobies xxxxxxxxx.加上你自己的东西i love all the subjects at school. to attend all the lessons keep me always on the go.but i really enjoy the proceof improvement.

  no doubt,chances are favourite prepared mind.i'll do my best for the bright future.that's all about me.thank you for listening to me.wish you all have a nice day today.



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