
时间:2023-06-02 06:18:24 作者:会员上传

  Commitment will go with us from the cradle to the grave. To commit is to pledge yourself to a certain purpose or line of conduct. It also means the responsibility you should take. So sometimes many of us escape to have the commitment or to do the commitment because we fear a loss of freedom, fear to carry the burden we’ll have, and even fear ourselves make a wrong mistake in our choice. We always hear such remarks “I can’t do it right now” or “I’m jus under a lot of pressure right now.” Do these reasons sound familiar? However, no matter where we go, commitments do really exist since we were born.

  When we were babies, we smiled while feeling joy and we cried while sensing sorrow. Those unconscious reactions we did to our beloved revealed our sense of commitment by: sharing their happiness as well as the bitterness.

  Yet as we grew older, we had to shoulder more and more responsibilities. We began to doubt what the commitment was for. In case of not letting our beloved down, we were forced to do the commitment: working hard, acting well and being parents’ sweetie.

  Confused with the unnamed increasing commitment, we were determined to seeking for the reason why there were so many commitments. Without proper guidance, we used to be a bit of rebels, slowly refusing the commitments on us. During the period, we were all gifted angles and demons. Finally, we found out the answer that life was not only for us; we should live up to our social status by taking commitments.

  Now most of us here were born in 1980s. We are often regarded as “the spoiled generation” and “lacking the sense of commitment”. Is it right? Before I state my view, I’d like to remind you of three names: Wu Libing, Li Xiang, Hong Zhanhui. Wu Libing,the 20 year-old college student touched us by donating his organ; Li Xiang,the 26, is the CEO of pcpop.com who creates a wealth of opportunity for job hunters: as to Hong Zhanhui, what I admire most is his great devotion to his sick father and the adopted sister.

  All those mentioned above do their commitment not only to themselves ,but also to other social members.

  Young as we are , we’ll be mature with commitments.




  困惑和匿名的承诺,我们决定增加的原因,寻找有这么多的承诺。没有适当的指导下,我们以前是一点点的反叛分子,慢慢地拒绝了我们的承诺。在此期间,我们都是天才的角度和恶魔。最后,我们找到了答案,生活不仅仅是为我们;我们要达到我们的社会地位,以承诺。 www.gerenjianli.com旗下英语网站






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