
时间:2023-06-02 02:51:13 作者:会员上传

  Thursday morning at school, I got four agents young movie tickets for all vouchers, I see, ah! 3 d movies? I can't seen 3 d movies. What's the difference between "what stereoscopic film and common film? Do I have to go and see." I said to himself.

  Came to the classroom, I and my good friend Luo Kaiyun agreed during the National Day get to the cinema to see 3 d movie.

  Easy to look forward to in the National Day, half past nine, I carried on film label and money, like a bottle of an arrow into the cinema. Arrived at the cinema, Luo Kaiyun have been waiting at the door, we hurry to buy a stereo glasses, as people into theaters, find a seat to sit. Three-dimensional film began. I'll take off glasses and a look at the screen, with ordinary film is no different, only the edge of the red, yellow, hazy outline. To wear glasses, yi! Those who like jumped out of the screen, walked over to me. Thought: this is stereoscopic film. Next, the butterfly flew in front of my eyes, seemed to stretch out my hand can get; Figure dangling in front of me; Killing passing speed seems to me; The sword stab to me; Monster as if to swallow me up, frighten I left hide right shine, heart pounding, stimulation and clinking. All of a sudden, I saw m hill iron claw straight towards my stamp, quickly close to me, "ah, arrest me?" I was scared, and instinctively recoiled hide in the body under the chair, heart like to jump out of the throat. Gee, I don't see any action, I take off glasses a look, turned out to be a movie, I really put it. An hour and a half, I have spent in stimulation, scary.

  Things in the past, but I will never forget.




    【第一篇】感恩老师演讲稿尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们:  大家下午好。今天我演讲的题目是《谢谢您,老师》 老师, 我是幼苗,您是雨露,滋润我干涸的心田.我是小草...




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